Ο κόσμος Maggioli

Οι ολοκληρωμένες δραστηριότητές μας υποστηρίζουν τη Δημόσια Διοίκηση, τους Ελεύθερους Επαγγελματίες και τις Εταιρείες στην απλοποίηση των διαδικασιών και στη βελτίωση των υπηρεσιών

Λύσεις και υπηρεσίες

Η τεχνολογία και η γνώση ήταν πάντα το πάθος μας, η δουλειά μας και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο καταφέραμε πάντα να ανταποκρινόμαστε στις απαιτήσεις μιας συνεχώς εξελισσόμενης αγοράς

Το "επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο”

Tο επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο της ομάδας Ε&Α βασίζεται στο μοντέλο της αυτοχρηματοδότησης, οπότε μεγάλο μέρος της ερευνητικής μας δραστηριότητας βασίζεται σε έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, μέσω προγραμμάτων όπως το Horizon 2020, το FP7, το Connecting Europe Facility και το AAL.

Σ’ αυτό το πλαίσιο, έχουμε συνεργαστεί στενά με εκατοντάδες ευρωπαϊκές εταιρείες, πανεπιστήμια και δημόσιες διοικήσεις, εμβαθύνοντας σε πολλούς και διαφορετικούς τομείς εφαρμογών, όπως η Industry 4.0, η Ηλεκτρονική Υγεία, η κυβερνοασφάλεια και φυσική ασφάλεια, η επαυξημένη πραγματικότητα κ.α.
Σε όλα τα έργα, ο ρόλος μας συνδέεται πάντα με δραστηριότητες που περιλαμβάνουν τη χρήση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών ΤΠΕ. Η συνεργασία με κάποιους εταίρους υπήρξε ιδιαίτερα παραγωγική και δημιουργήθηκε κοινό ερευνητικό περιβάλλον σε διάφορα έργα.

Αυτή τη στιγμή συμμετέχουμε ενεργά σε 26 έργα, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Horizon 2020

Ευκαιρίες για τους νέους

Ένα ιδιαίτερο χαρακτηριστικό του δικού μας R&D είναι ότι πρόκειται για έναν χώρο αφιερωμένο στους νέους. Πολλοί απ’ όσους συμμετέχουν στις δραστηριότητες της ομάδας είναι κάτω των 35 ετών. Προσκαλούμε πάντα προπτυχιακούς και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές στα έργα μας, με στόχο να αξιοποιήσουν τις εμπειρίες τους, αργότερα, σε δύσκολα και απαιτητικά έργα στους τομείς της Τεχνολογίας και της αρχιτεκτονικής της Πληροφορικής. Οι εμπειρίες αυτές συμβάλλουν στην ενίσχυση των προσωπικών δεξιοτήτων τους και ταυτόχρονα τους δίνουν την ευκαιρία να συμπεριλάβουν στοιχεία τους σε διατριβές ή επιστημονικές εργασίες τους.

Οι πρωτοβουλίες πάνω στις οποίες συνεργαζόμαστε εστιάζουν σε συγκεκριμένους τομείς όπως η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη, η Επεξεργασία Φυσικής Γλώσσας, η Υπολογιστική Όραση, η Ανάλυση και η Πρόβλεψη βάσει Δεδομένων και άλλοι τομείς εφαρμογών.

Τα έργα και οι συνεργασίες κινούνται, ούτως ή άλλως, σε διαφορετικά επίπεδα, από το περιφερειακό έως το ευρωπαϊκό πλαίσιο. Με τη χρηματοδότηση της Περιφέρειας της Απουλίας, για παράδειγμα, υλοποιείται το project Eolo, μια εξαιρετικά καινοτόμος πλατφόρμα υπηρεσιών cloud για τη διαχείριση των δραστηριοτήτων επαγγελματιών, ελεύθερων επαγγελματιών και μικρών επιχειρήσεων – στόχος της πλατφόρμας είναι να υποστηρίξει τους χρήστες στις καθημερινές τους δραστηριότητες με εργαλεία σχετικά με το επάγγελμά τους, αλλά και να βοηθήσει τις επιχειρήσεις τους, με την παροχή περιεχομένου που τις αφορά.

Οι λειτουργικές τοποθεσίες

Ο τομέας Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης περιλαμβάνει τρεις κύριες τοποθεσίες:

  • Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN - Ιταλία) – Το αρχηγείο στο οποίο σχεδιάζουμε και διαχειριζόμαστε όλα τα έργα σε περιφερειακό, εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο. Εδώ βρίσκονται, επίσης, οι κύριες ομάδες ανάπτυξης τεχνολογίας, οι οποίες εισάγουν με τη σημαντική εμπειρία τους την καινοτομία και τις τεχνολογίες αιχμής στον Όμιλο.
  • Bari (Ιταλία) – κλάδος επικεντρώνεται κυρίως στην ανάπτυξη και διαχείριση νέων έργων σε περιφερειακό και εθνικό επίπεδο.
  • Αθήνα – Οι συνεργάτες μας εδώ εστιάζουν κυρίως σε εθνικά και ευρωπαϊκά έργα. Η εργασία τους καλύπτει τον πλήρη κύκλο του έργου, από τη σύνταξη και υποβολή προτάσεων ως τη διαχείριση και την τεχνική ανάπτυξη.

Με συνολικό αριθμό περίπου 100 εργαζομένων, ο τομέας Ε&Α έχει σημειώσει σημαντική ανάπτυξη τα τελευταία χρόνια, χάρη στην έναρξη πολλών σημαντικών ερευνητικών έργων με τη συμμετοχή διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένων εταίρων, με τους οποίους μελετάμε λύσεις τεχνολογιών αιχμής, αλλά και νέες χρήσεις των αναδυόμενων τεχνολογιών.

Έρευνα & Ανάπτυξη σε δικά μας έργα

Ο τομέας Ε&Α συνεργάζεται στενά με τις επιχειρηματικές μονάδες του ομίλου Maggioli όσον αφορά στη μεταφορά τεχνογνωσίας για διάφορα έργα και παρέχει πολύτιμες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τους τρόπους ανάπτυξης καινοτόμων υπηρεσιών.


Η μετεξέλιξη της σουίτας ολοκληρωμένων συστημάτων διαχείρισης για την Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση, με έμφαση στη διαλειτουργικότητα και την ενοποίηση με εξωτερικές πλατφόρμες.

Cloud Document Platform

Πλατφόρμα υπηρεσιών cloud για τη διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών εγγράφων, που συνεργάζεται επίσης με άλλες εφαρμογές εξαιρετικής σημασίας στον τομέα των ΤΠΕ.


Το κορυφαίο λογισμικό για τη διαχείριση των δραστηριοτήτων της κατά τόπους Δημοτικής Αστυνομίας. Η εγκατεστημένη βάση τους ξεπερνά τις 2000 μονάδες, σε Δήμους, τοπικές Ενώσεις Δήμων & Κοινοτήτων, Κοινοπραξίες και Επαρχίες.

Icaro 2.0

Πληροφοριακό σύστημα για την καινοτόμο και ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των υπηρεσιών κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης και υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. Παρέχει υποστήριξη σε πολλά θέματα, που αφορούν από την αρχική πρόσβαση στις υπηρεσίες ως την παροχή και την ολοκλήρωση τους.


Μεγάλο έργο για την ευφυή ολοκλήρωση των νοσοκομειακών συστημάτων φαρμακευτικής αγωγής.

Τα εθνικά έργα CYSMET, MYRIOPOS, IASIS, καθώς και όλα τα ευρωπαϊκά έργα, αναπτύσσονται στο γραφείο της Αθήνας, απ’ όπου καλύπτεται ολόκληρος ο κύκλος του έργου, από τη συγγραφή και την παρουσίαση ως τη διαχείριση και την τεχνική ανάπτυξη.

Έργα Horizon 2020

Ο όμιλος Maggioli συμμετέχει σε 41 έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή
μέσω προγραμμάτων όπως το Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, FP7, Connecting Europe Facility
και AAL (Active Assisted Living) στους εξής θεματικούς τομείς:
- eHealth - Industry 4.0 - Cybersecurity – Data Science - Cloud Computing - Security –
- eGovernment - 5G - Augmented reality - Energy - Environmental Protection – Education and Training



Ageing, frailty, health literacy, primary prevention, personalised prevention, personalised treatment, wellbeing


Call: Horizon-HLTH-2023-STAYHLTH-01
Topic: The Silver Deal - Person-centred health and care in European regions
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101137301
Duration: 48 Months
Budget: € 19.398.597,50
Funding for Maggioli: € 661.250,00
Role: System Integrator; Data Management; WP5 Leader
Website: t.b.d.
LinkedIn: t.b.d.

Details and Information


COMFORTAGE aims to develop holistic and integrated healthcare models to foster personalized dementia and frailty preventions and interventions promoting individuals’ physical and mental health. Expert clinical expertise from consortium partners will be leveraged for the design of personalised preventions and interventions as part of an integrated care model that builds upon existing studies and evidence-based approaches to combine clinical expertise, behavioural science, and civil society aspects fostering effective lifestyle changes that enhance individuals mental and physical health, wellbeing, and QoL.

COMFORTAGE will evaluate the impact of its portfolio of integrated and personalized solutions based on novel tools for Healthcare Technology Assessment (HTA), which will greatly help policy makers in taking data-driven, evidence-based decisions against dementia and frailty. COMFORTAGE rounds up medical experts (i.e., neurologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, nurses, memory clinics), social scientists and humanists, technical experts (i.e., data scientists, AI experts, robotic experts), Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and Living Labs (LLs) to establish a pan European framework for Community-based, Integrated and People-Centric prevention, monitoring and progression managing solutions for dementia and frailty.

COMFORTAGE will provide the means and tools for the empowerment and enhancement of all stakeholders’ health and digital literacy to further reduce health inequalities in modern communities and to support healthy and active age-living. In that context, the project’s framework will be validated and evaluated in thirteen (13) pilot studies involving diverse stakeholders at eight (8) EU member states.


  • University of Piraeus Research Center (Greece)
  • Panepistimio Patron (Greece)
  • Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU (Norway)
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Greece)
  • Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou (Cyprus)
  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)
  • Tilburg University – Universiteit van Tilburg (Netherlands)
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung EV (Germany)
  • Ebit S.r.l. (Italy)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (Italy)
  • Gemelli Digital Medicine & Health S.r.l. (Italy)
  • The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
  • Fundacio Ace (Spain)
  • Fundatia Ana Aslan International (Romania)
  • Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia)
  • Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma 1 (Italy)
  • The Cyprus Foundation for Muscular Dystrophy Research (The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics) (Cyprus)


  • Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (Greece)
  • European Health Telematics Association (Belgium)
  • Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie (Poland)
  • Ubitech Limited (Cyprus)
  • Leanxcale SL (Spain)
  • Innovation Sprint (Belgium)
  • Information Technology for Market Leadership (Greece)
  • Stremble Ventures Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Newco S.a. (Greece)
  • Ropardo S.r.l. (Romania)
  • Amistim Medical Equipment S.r.l. (Romania)
  • Mcs Datalabs (Germany)
  • Onmi Bv (Netherlands)
  • Fundacio Ticsalut (Spain)
  • Eip On Aha Reference Sites Collaborative Network (Belgium)
  • Fundacion Intras (Spain)
  • Diktyo Ellinikon Poleon Gia Tin Anaptyxi (Greece)
  • White Research S.r.l. (Belgium)
  • Q-plan International Advisors Pc (Greece)
  • Zavod vsesorte, izobrazevanje o naravi in zdravju (Slovenia)
  • Cyberethics Lab Srls (Italy)


European Federation for Cancer Images


Topic: Federated European infrastructure for cancer images data
Type: DIGITAL Action
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101100633
Duration: 48 Months
Budget: € 17.789.829,02
Role: Technical Support; Technology provider
Website: https://cancerimage.eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/EUCAIM 

Details and Information

EUCAIM Project

The EUCAIM consortium consist of 76 partners from 14 countries. Many partners are part of the “AI for Health Imaging” Network (AI4HI), a cluster of 5 large EU-funded projects on big data and AI in cancer imaging (CHAIMELEON, EUCANIMAGE, INCISIVE, ProCancer-I, PRIMAGE), whose data repositories EUCAIM is building on. The Consortium also involves major European Research Infrastructures, such as Euro-BioImaging, The EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) project is a 4-year project with 76 partners from 14 European Union (EU) member states. The EUCAIM project is the cornerstone of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative launched by the European Commission, a flagship of the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP) and a major contributor to the European Health Data Space. The project aims to foster innovative data-driven solutions and deploy digital technologies in cancer treatment and care.

EUCAIM will establish and deploy a digital and federated infrastructure of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) cancer-related, de-identified, imaging data and provide a research platform for the development and benchmarking of AI tools to address unmet precision medicine. The project will address the fragmentation of existing cancer image repositories and establish a distributed (federated) data storage and access infrastructure –an Atlas of Cancer Imaging– with over 60 million anonymised cancer image data from over 100,000 patients, accessible to clinicians, researchers and innovators across the EU for the development and benchmarking of trustworthy AI tools. The infrastructure will be further populated by observational studies from hospitals (21 clinical sites in 12 EU countries), include clinical images and link with pathology, molecular and laboratory data and will be expanded to at least 30 distributed data providers from 15 countries by the end of the 4-year project. Federated AI solutions will be trained at the hospital data warehouses, keeping data privacy.

The EUCAIM project will be built upon the work and progress of the AI for Health Imaging (AI4HI) network, which consists of 5 large EU-funded projects on big data and Artificial Intelligence in cancer imaging: INCISIVE, Chaimeleon, EuCanImage, ProCancer-I and Primage. Therefore, INCISIVE, a project that Maggioli coordinates, will be one of the major contributors to this initiative as one of the repositories that, through the EUCAIM project, will be linked to the infrastructure to be developed and made available by this initiative.

In EUCAIM, MAGGIOLI co-leads the work package on "Data Federation and Interoperability Framework" that will provide the "glue" for the massive cancer imaging and clinical data to be made available through the EUCAIM project. MAGGIOLI also participates in all other major EUCAIM tasks. 


  • Biobanks And Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) (Austria)
  • Eibir Gemeinnutzige Gmbh Zur Forderung Der Erforschung Der Biomedizinischen Bildgebung (Austria)
  • Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
  • Medizinische Universität Wien (Austria)
  • COCIR (Belgium)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
  • Oncoradiomics (Belgium)
  • Sciensano (Belgium)
  • German Oncology Center (Cyprus)
  • Masarykova Univerzita (Czechia)
  • Euro-BioImaging ERIC (Finland)
  • Collège des Enseignants en Radiologie de France (France)
  • CNRS (France)
  • Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et Automatique (France)
  • LIMICS (France)
  • Medexprim (France)
  • Owkin (France)
  • Charité – Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Germany)
  • Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron Desy (Germany)
  • German Cancer Research Center (Germany)
  • Klinikum Rechts Der Isar Der Technischen Universitat Munchen (Germany)
  • Universitaetsklinikum Aachen (Germany)
  • ELIXIR (Germany)
  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece


  • Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (Greece)
  • Hellenic Cancer Society (Greece)
  • Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy)
  • Gemelli University Hospital (Italy)
  • Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri – Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (Italy)
  • IFOM-Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare (Italy)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed (Italy)
  • Policinico San Donato Research Hospital (Italy)
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
  • SYNLAB Sdn S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Università of Pisa (Italy)
  • EATRIS (The Netherlands)
  • The EGI Foundation (The Netherlands)
  • Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Health-RI (The Netherlands)
  • Universiteit Maastricht (The Netherlands)
  • Philips (The Netherlands)
  • Radboud University Medical Center (The Netherlands)
  • The Netherlands Cancer Institute (The Netherlands)
  • Medical University of Gdansk (Poland)
  • Łukasiewicz – PORT (Poland)
  • Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (Portugal)
  • Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal)
  • Servicos Partilhados do Ministerio da Saude (Portugal)
  • Universidade De Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain)
  • BAHIA Software Sl (Spain)
  • Consorcio Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red (Spain)
  • Centre for Genomic Regulation (Spain)
  • Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (Spain)
  • Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (Spain)
  • IQVIA Information, S.a.u. (Spain)
  • Fundacion Para La Investigacion Del Hospital Universitario La Fe De La Comunidad Valenciana (Spain)
  • MATICAL Innovation Sl (Spain)
  • Quibim Sl (Spain)
  • S2 Grupo De Innovacion En Procesos Organizativos Sl (Spain)
  • Servicio Andaluz De Salud (Spain)
  • Servicio Madrileño de Salud (Spain)
  • Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
  • Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
  • Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
  • Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
  • Linköping University (Sweden)
  • National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (Sweden)
  • Region Västerbotten (Sweden)
  • Umeå Universitet (Sweden)
  • Verket For Innovationssystem (Sweden)


International Clinical Validation of Radiomics Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Treatment Planning


Topic: Clinical validation of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for treatment and care
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 101057699
Fix duration field: Sep 2022 – Aug 2026 (48 months)
Budget: € 5.838.576,00
RoFunding: € 318.750
Role: Technology provider; WP3 Leader
Website: www.radioval.eu
LinkedIn: (4) RadioVal: Informazioni | LinkedIn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RadioVal_AI

Details and Information


Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer worldwide with continuous rising incidence. Despite the promising therapeutic use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) for breast cancer cases, this treatment has been related with variable efficacy and severe side effects. RadioVal (International Clinical Validation of Radiomics Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Treatment Planning) aims to implement the first multi-faceted clinical validation study of radiomics for predicting the response to NAC and developing the first clinically validated and ethically compliant traceability tool for radiomics AI.

This will enable monitoring and continuous evaluation of radiomics tools as well as promote awareness, acceptance and promotion of radiomics AI in future breast cancer care. Wider impact related to clinical deployment of radiomics AI will be sought, such as safer and evidence-based clinical decision support systems, as well as improved diagnosis and response prediction for personalized treatment plan and assessment of health outcomes.
RadioVal will be implemented through a multi-stakeholder approach and will utilize digital pathology data and medical image repositories from numerous international clinical sites across Europe, South America, North Africa and Eurasia. The project will also build on the repositories, tools and results developed in the context of the five ongoing EU-funded projects comprising the AI for Health Imaging Network (AI4HI). A standardized and comprehensive methodological framework for multi-faceted radiomics evaluation will be developed based on the FUTURE-AI guidelines and will leverage the FAIR data management principles to achieve high quality standards for the radiomics model.


  • Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
  • Universiteit Maastricht (Nederland)
  • QUIBIM (greece)
  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • SHINE 2Europe (Portugal)
  • NHG Finland
  • Hospital Universitario de la Comunidad Valenciana (Spain)
  • Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
  • Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny (Poland)
  • Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Medicinski Fakultet (Croatia)
  • Medizinische Universitaet Wien (Austria)
  • Hacettepe Universitesi (Turkey)
  • Alexander Fleming SA (Argentina)
  • Ain Shams University Asu Faculty of Medecine (Egypt)
  • Eibir Gemeinnutzige Gmbh (Austria


AI, AR, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, Cancer, Deep learning, eHealth, Federated Learning, Follow-up, Health imaging, HPC, Neural networking, Prediction - A Multimodal AI-based Toolbox and an Interoperable Health Imaging Repository for the Empowerment of Imaging Analysis related to the Diagnosis, Prediction and Follow-up of Cancer


Call: H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2019-1
Topic: DT-TDS-05-2020: “AI for Health Imaging”
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 952179
Duration: Ott 2020 – Mar 2024 (42 months)
Budget: € 9,995,727.50
RoFunding: € 9,995,727.50
Role: • Project Coordinator • System Integrator • Technological Provider • Technical support to the Italian
Website: https://incisive-project.eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IncisiveEu

Details and Information


INCISIVE aims to address three major open challenges in order to explore the full potential of AI solutions in cancer imaging: (1) AI challenges unique to medical imaging, (2) Image labelling and annotation and (3) Data availability and sharing. In order to do that INCISIVE will develop and validate: (1) an AI-based toolbox that enhances the accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, interpretability and cost-effectiveness of existing cancer imaging methods, (2) an automated-ML based annotation mechanism to rapidly produce training data for machine learning research and (3) a pan-European repository federated repository of medical images, that will enable the secure donation and sharing of data in compliance with ethical, legal and privacy demands, increasing accessibility to datasets and enabling experimentation of AI-based solutions.

The INCISIVE models and analytics will utilize various cancer imaging scans, biological data and EHRs, and will be trained with 1 PB of available data provided by 8 partners within the project. INCISIVE solution will be investigated in three validation studies for Lung, Breast, Prostate and Colorectal Cancer, taking place in 8 sites, from 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Serbia), with participation of at least 2,600 patients and a total duration of 1,5 year. INCISIVE moves beyond the state of the art, by improving sensitivity and specificity of lower cost scanning methods, accurately predicting the tumor spread, evolution and relapse, enhancing interpretability of results and “democratizing” imaging data.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Centro Regionale ICT SCRL (Italy)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Centre for Reseach and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (Spain)
  • European Dynamics SA (Luxembourg)
  • Telesto IoT Solutions Ltd. (UK)
  • Innosystems Ltd. (Greece)
  • Squaredev BV (Belgium)
  • Visaris D.o.o (Serbia)
  • University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
  • Cipro University of Technology (Cyprus)
  • Kingston University (UK)
  • Hellenic Cancer Society (Greece)
  • Cipro Association of Cancer Patients and Friends (Cyprus)
  • University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
  • University of Athens (Greece)
  • University of Helsinki (Finland)
  • University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • German Oncology Centre (Cyprus)
  • Biomedical Research Institute August Sunyer (Spain)
  • Foundation Tic Salut (Spain)
  • Time.Lex (Belgium)
  • White Research SPRL (Belgium)
  • Medtronic SA (Spain)


Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Cancer, eHealth, Quality of Life, Wellbeing - A Digital Guardian Angel Enhancing Cancer Patient’s Wellbeing and Health Status Improvement Following Treatment


Call: H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020
Topic: SC1-DTH-11-2019: “Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 875392
Duration: Gen 2020 – Dic 2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 4.872.250,00
RoFunding: € 4.872.250,00
Role: Technical Coordinator, System Integrator, Technological Provider
Website: www.oncorelief.eu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oncorelief-project-648a711a9/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OncoRelief

Details and Information


The burden of cancer is rising globally and is estimated to have reached 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths in 2018. Despite the rising cancer incidence, improvements in early detection and therapeutic treatment have improved cancer survival. As a consequence, the number of cancer survivors is increasing globally, creating the need to improve not only treatment but also wellness and follow‐up care. Cancer treatment often involves combined modalities such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. In the past decades, more effective and targeted therapeutic modalities and less destructive cancer treatments have been developed such as immunotherapy and drug‐targeted therapy. Even so, cancer and its treatment have important physical and psychosocial sequelae.

ONCORELIEF will leverage the above 6 drivers in order to skillfully and methodologically overcome technical challenges, by introducing new approaches that will allow the utilization of big datasets in order to develop a user-centered AI System to facilitate the integration of QoL assessment instruments through the use of PROMs and PREMs in order to improve post-treatment health status, increase the wellbeing, and follow‐up care of cancer patients. This will be achieved through an intuitive smart digital assistant (Guardian Angel), able to provide personalized support in post-treatment activities and tasks, suggest actions regarding the patients’ overall health-status, improved wellbeing and active health-care and ultimately maintain him/her engaged on a wellness journey that will safeguard his/her health over the foreseeable prolonged post-cancer treatment period.


  • Exus Software Ltd. (UK)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • InnoSystems IKE (Greece)
  • CareAcross Ltd. (UK)
  • Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions (Cyprus)
  • MCS Datalabs GmbH (Germany)
  • Fraunhofer ITWM (Germany)
  • University Medical Center Mainz (Germany)
  • Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Italy)
  • Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (Italy)
  • Schön Klinik Bad Aibling (Portugal)
  • Time.Lex (Belgium)


Affective Computing, Alzheimer, dementia, eHealth, Integrated Care, Parkinson, Quality of Life, Wellbeing - Affective based Integrated Care for Better Quality of Life


Call: H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020
Topic: SC1-DTH-11-2019: “Large Scale pilots of personalised & outcome based integrated care”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 875325
Duration: Nov 2019 – Ott 2022 (36 monhs)
Budget: € 5.698.332,50
Funding: € 4.998.282,50
Role: System integrator, technology provider
Website: www.tender-health.eu/

Details and Information

TeNDER Project

TeNDER will create an integrated care ecosystem for assisting people with chronic diseases of Alzheimer’s (AD), Parkinson’s (PD) and comorbidity with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) through the use of affect based micro tools. These microservices will recognise the mood of a person and thus adapt the system’s probes to the person’s needs via a multi-sensorial system, even in the most severe cases, and match with clinical (from Electronic Health Records (EHRs)) and clerical patient information, while preserving privacy, monitoring the ethical principles, providing data protection and security, with the result of an increased Quality of Life (QoL). In addition, interactive communication and social services will strength the elderly support, extending their autonomy and care supply chain.

TeNDER will perform 5 large scale pilots, involving 5 user partners and 1500+ TeNDER final users in 4 different European regions, with at least 735 patients (+40% in the patients control group, making a total of 1030 patients), 85 health professionals (physicians mainly), 30 social workers, 570 caregivers (professional and relatives) and 60 other staff (clerks, Hospital IT support, etc.), to provide tailor suited integrated care services to promote wellbeing and health recovery.


  • Universitad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • DataWizard S.r.l. (Italy)
  • Ubiwhere Lda (Portugal)
  • Elgoline D.o.o (Slovenia)
  • Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (Greee)
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)
  • European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (Belgium)
  • Servicio Madrileno de Salud (Spain)
  • Schön Klinik Bad Aibling (Germany)
  • Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” (Italy)
  • Spomincica Alzheimer Slovenija (Slovenia)


Active ageing, cognitive abilities, culture, eHealth, events, fitness, games, learning and training, prevention, social skills, sport - Personalized Platform Assisting Seniors in Healthy, Fulfilled and Active Life


Call: AAL-2018
Topic: Smart Solutions for Ageing Well
AAL Ref. no.: AAL-2018-5-118
Duration: May 2019 – October 2021 (30 months)
Budget: € 2.441.932,50
Funding: € 1.391.228,75
Role: Business expert - Technical partner
Twitter: https://twitter.com/POSITIVE_AAL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/positiveaal

Details and Information

POSITIVE project

POSITIVE aims at designing, building and commercializing a digital platform for healthy, mobile seniors to prevent future cognitive and physical decline. The platform tackles the problem of growing loneliness and apathy amongst seniors, caused not necessarily by social isolation resulting from immobility but by a lack of meaningful connections and a clear purpose in life. Seniors desire to be not only consumers but also creators. This frequently overlooked fact creates a disconnect between what seniors want and what society and companies offer them. To alleviate that, POSITIVE is designed to address self-actualization needs of seniors.

POSITIVE consists of online (a) physical events facilitation, and (b) content. Both parts are co-created and sustained by the end users – seniors. The events are led by seniors or external organizations and have a personalized broad range from educational topics, through discussion clubs to organizing startups. Content part includes possibilities to share knowledge, learn, track health and be entertained. In order to differentiate itself from other offers, POSITIVE leverages technology and close user design (e.g., psychology-based gamification) in all services.


  • Reall (Poland)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • Bluepoint Consulting SRL (Romania)
  • Ana Aslan International Foundation (Romania)
  • Eskilara S. Koop Txikia (Spain)
  • Fondazione Santa Lucia (Italy)
  • iHomeLab (Switzerland)


Caregiver, collaboration, dementia, Psychological support, tele-consulting, training - Integrated Platform for Informal Carers’ Training, Tele-consulting and Collaboration


Call: AAL-2012-5-245
ObjectiveICT-base solutions for (self-)management of daily life activities of older adults at home
AAL: Ref. no. AAL-2012-5-245
Duration: Mag 2014 – Dic 2016 (32 months)
Budget: € 2.309.596,00
RoFunding: € 1.294.642,00
Role: Project Coordinator, System Integrator
Website: www.carersupport.eu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8415187/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarerSupport_EU

Details and Information


CarerSupport integrated, deployed and tested an integrated ICT platform enabling the participation and collaboration of informal carers, psychologists and health professionals towards facilitating the training, learning, orientation, and psychological support. In particular, the project deployed and offered to informal carers:

  1. Training, learning and orientation programmes, including general-purpose training programmes and programmes that emphasize on the carers’ digital skills. The former includes introductory blended-learning programmes emphasizing on the needs of elderly, and on how to plan and perform the most common care-related activities. The latter enables carers to use and fully leverage ICT based solutions for active ageing and social inclusion.
  2. Psychological support services, aiming at alleviating the stress of informal carers, while at the same time providing them with emotional support. It includes social support services, services facilitating carers to discharge their role, services alleviating stress and boosting mental health, as well as services that minimize or eliminate smoking and drinking. The support provided facilitates carers to deal with their own sorrow and sense of impending loss.
  3. Collaboration services, which emphasize communication and experience sharing between formal and informal carers. The main goal of these services is to achieve knowledge transfer from experienced formal carers to the (usually) less experienced informal carers. As part of those services synchronous services for advice and handling/dealing with emergencies are provided.

CarerSupport was piloted with the participation of 200 informal carers, formal carers and stakeholders in 7 different pilot sites from 4 European countries (Italy, Norway, Romania and Switzerland).


  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • BluePoint Consulting SRL (Romania)
  • Soutank AG (Svitzerland)
  • iHomeLab (Svitzerland)
  • Universitetet i Oslo (Norway)
  • Kommunesamarbeidet i Vestfold (Norway)
  • Oslo Kommune (Norway)
  • Ana Aslan International Foundation (Romania)


Cognitive training games, dementia, Elderly networking, MCI, mental reinforcement, social interaction - Motivating Platform for Elderly Networking, Mental Reinforcement, and Social Interaction


Call: FP7 CIP-ICT-PSP-2008-2
Objectivecognitive problems, combining assistive and independent living technologies
Duration: Mag 2009 – Ott 2012 (36 months)
Budget: € 4.599.998,00
RoFunding: € 2.299.998,00
Role: Technological provider - Dissemination & Exploitation Leader
Website: www.cognitivetraining.eu

Details and Information


SOCIABLE piloted a radically new ICT based approach for integrated support of mental activity, as well as boosting of social interaction for individuals that have been diagnosed to suffer from mild dementia. SOCIABLE integrated human support and care services offered by care centers and specialized/expert operators (e.g., geriatric internist, geriatric psychiatrist, neurologist, neuropsychologist), with state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and independent living technologies.

This new approach was build upon three tested technological pillars, which had proven therapeutical value, namely:

  • a novel perceptive mixed reality interfaces based on multi-touch surfaces
  • an open platform for cognitive training games development, which allows the flexible creation and customization of cognitive training games, and “profiling” and social “matching” capabilities boosting social networking and interaction between aged individuals

SOCIABLE was piloted with the participation of 350 senior citizens in 7 different pilot sites from 4 European countries (Greece, Italy, Norway and Spain).

Overall, SOCIABLE integrated, deployed and operated an innovative ICT-enabled online service for assessing and accordingly reinforcing the mental state of the elderly through pleasant gaming activities for cognitive training, while at the same time boosting their social networking and activating their day-to-day interpersonal interactions. SOCIABLE was envisaged as a service with high potential for societal impact that could add significant value to current service offerings of care services providers. Furthermore, it was associated with a clear business potential for sustainability and wider use by care service providers within (but also outside of) the SOCIABLE consortium.


  • SingularLogic SA (Greece)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • PREVI SL (Spain)
  • Trondheim Kommune (Norvay)
  • Hygeia Hospital (Greece)
  • Social Policy Centre of the Municipality of Kifissia (Greece)
  • Municipality of Forlì (Italy)
  • Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital (Italy)
  • Fondazione Santa Lucia (Italy)
  • University of Valencia (Spain)
  • AIJU (Spain)

Industry 4.0


MaaS, actionable models, sustainable and resilient value networks, digital twins, balanced score cards, Smart manufacturing, dynamic configuration, Governance, explainable AI
Industry 4.0


Topic: Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service
Type: RIA
Reference.: Grant Agreement n, 101138517
Duration: 36 months
Budget: € 5.932.343, 75
ReFunding: € 708.750,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technology Provider; WP3 Leader
Website: https://www.tec4maases.eu/

Details and Information

Tec4MaaSEs project

Tec4MaaSEs’ core idea is to deploy a network of Digital Twins (DT), equipped with trustworthiness and cognition, to co-operate in a distributed manner within a value network as core enablers of Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS) practices. For this to become materialized, adaptable and actionable, several techniques must be brought it, with collaborative optimisation methods assuming a major role, along with analytics, simulation and event processing. Tec4MaaSEs advances also research trends like situation-aware manufacturing systems and DTs by lifting technical barriers related to standardisation and governance. Tech4MaaSEs provides an overall framework for value networks, where processes, stakeholders and resources could be modelled as interconnected DTs. This allows for the design of strategies and actions required to further enhance resilience and circularity along the entire value network.

The proposed framework is complemented with a dynamic reference library that uses semantics and models resources and capabilities of the registered providers for each business case. The overall performance is continuously evaluated and monitored via a multilevel balanced scorecard framework. The framework is configurable and capable of responding to varying supply and demand of individual actors within the value network. It allows then for the evaluation of alternatives and the adequate reaction and better understanding of the impact of external disrupting events within the industrial process. Tec4MaaSEs is customized to be instantiated in the three pilot cases. Measurements are collected to assess the performance of the technical solution and to evaluate how the digitalization of the processes fosters a more resilient value network.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Athens Technology Center Anonymi Viomichaniki Emporiki Kai Techniki Etaireia Efarmogon Ypsilis Technologias (Grecia)
  • Athens University of Economics and Business Research Center/ELT (Grecia)
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germania)
  • Fundacion Tekniker (Spagna)
  • Smartopt Bilisim Teknolojileri Anonim Sirketi (Turchia)
  • University of Oslo (Norvegia)
  • University of Macedonia (Grecia)
  • Arcelik A.S. (Turchia)
  • Karel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (Turchia)
  • Moldes Ura SLU (Spagna)
  • Matz-Erreka, S Coop (Spagna)
  • Aibel AS (Norvegia)


Product Passport through Twinning of Circular Value Chains
Industry 4.0


Topic: Circular and low emission value chains through digitalisation (Processes4Planet Partnership)
Type: RIA
Reference.: Grant Agreement n, 101092008
Duration: 36 months
Budget: € 7.652.750,00
ReFunding: € 782.500,00
Role: Project Coordinator, Technology Provider, WP2 Leader, WP6 Leader, WP7 Leader
Website: https://www.plooto-project.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plooto-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/plootoproject 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plootoproject
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDBbvdHrGaJ4TxHrmlDWmw

Details and Information

PLOOTO project

The constantly increasing demand of scarce resources and critical raw materials (CRMs), requires efficient usage of resources - reuse and recycling of materials- and responsible waste management and prevention. The circular economy’s model establishes a virtuous cycle where products and resources can be reused, repurposed and recycled to maximize productivity of resources, to reduce waste and by products that can become raw materials (RMs) entering in other industrial processes, thus reducing the depletion of natural resources and the overall environmental effects on climate change. Plooto aims to deliver a Circular and Resilient Information System (CRIS) to support manufacturers in their green, digital and circular transition. CRIS enables waste reduction and end-to-end traceability of Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) through interconnected digital services for real-time decision making, monitoring and certification of materials and products.

Plooto delivers: a) a transformation framework based on traceability strategies for materials/products per business case, with reference processes for SRM use from waste deposit to new products, and governance models for circular value chains; b) ICT tools for modelling product, production processes and supply chains, as an aggregation of individual component Digital Twins with cognition capabilities (cognitive Digital Twins – CDTs); c) Data will feed RM-recovery and waste dataspaces allowing the provision of material certification and product passport; and d) A circular sustainability balanced scorecard (framework+toolkit) to assess impact of decisionmaking at CDT level based on various KPIs. The solution will be piloted in three different circular supply chains demonstrating waste reduction, reusability of scrap and production by-products, operational improvement.


  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Polytechneio Kritis (Greece)
  • Athens Aniversity of Economics and Business (Greece)
  • Fundacio Eurecat (Spain)
  • IDC (Italia)
  • Universitetet I Oslo (Norway)
  • AEGIS (Germany)
  • Institut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia)
  • KPAD (United Kingdom)
  • Entersoft (Romania)
  • Frontier Innovations Oe (Greece)
  • Centro di Ricerche Europeo di Tecnologie Design e Materiali (Italy)
  • TUV Austria Cyprus (Cyprus)
  • Elliniki Viomichania Chymon (Greece)
  • Barna Steel (Spain)
  • Fundacion Imdea Nanociencia (Spain)
  • Ingenieria Magnetica Aplicada (Spain)
  • HP Composites (Italy)
  • CETMA Composites (Italy)
  • Acceligence (Cyprus)


Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Digital Twins, Cognitive Manufacturing, Energy Efficiency - Energy aware Optimization, Remote sensing, Resource efficiency Energy-Aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries
Industry 4.0


Call: H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2018-2020
Topic: DT-SPIRE-06-2019: “Digital technologies for improved performance in cognitive production plants”
Type: IA
Reference.: Grant Agreement No. 869951
Duration: Nov 2019 – Apr 2023 (42 months)
Budget: € 9.201.124,50
ReFunding: € 7.089.837,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technical Coordinator; Technological Provider; System Integrator; Pilots Coordinator
Website: https://www.factlog.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/factlog-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Factlog_EU

Details and Information

FACTLOG project

By incorporating different pipelines of machine learning and analytical tools at different levels (from machines to process steps and from processes to the whole production plant), FACTLOG enables the realization of the Cognitive Factory as an ensemble of independent but intertwined ECTs, that are (i) able to self-learn, and thus to effectively detect and react to anomalies and disruptions but also to opportunities that may arise, (ii) enjoy a local or global view of operations and (iii) are capable for short-, mid- and long-term reasoning and optimization.

FACTLOG is driven by several specific, yet indicative, business cases in the process industry and focuses its innovation regarding analytics, AI and optimization on the deployment and assessment of coherent Enhanced Cognitive Twins for the specific sectors represented in FACTLOG and even for the plants in which it will be pilot tested and evaluated. It will be implemented by a just right consortium of twenty partners, five of which are manufacturers and a further three represent manufacturing clusters. Technology and scientific contributors from leading academic institute and focused ICT vendors (mostly SMEs) bring in all necessary knowledge and innovation.


  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
  • University of Piraeus Reseach Centre (Greece)
  • Ecole Poltechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • Institut Josef Stefan (Slovenia)
  • Qlector DOO (Slovenia)
  • Jems DOO (Slovenia)
  • Nissatech Innovation Centre (Serbia)
  • Technical University of Crete (Grecia)
  • Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS (Turkey)
  • Konnektable Technologies Ltd. (Irland)
  • Control 2K Ltd. (United Kingdom)
  • BRC Reinfrocement Ltd (United Kingdom)
  • Unparallel Innovation LDA (Portugal)
  • Fratelli Piacenza SPA (Italy)
  • Domina Srl (Italy)
  • Siveco SA (Romania)
  • Continental SA (Romania)
  • Hanse Aerospace Wirtschaftsdienst GmbH (Germany)
  • Tages AS (Turkey)


Circular Economy, Cyber-Physical Systems, Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Smart Manufacturing - An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on Rapid Reconfigurable Manufacturing Process and Individualized Consumer Preferences
Industry 4.0


Call: H2020-DT-2018-2020
Topic: DT-ICT-07-2018-2019: “Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 872570
Duration: Gen 2020 – Giu 2023 (42 months)
Budget: € 19.248.200,00
ReFunding: € 15.948.875,00
Role: System Integrator; Technological Provider; 
Website: https://kyklos40project.eu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kyklos-4-0-eu-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kyklos40Project
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kyklos40Project

Details and Information

KYKLOS 4.0 project

KYKLOS 4.0 will demonstrate, in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way the transformative effects that CPS, PLM, LCA, AR and AI technologies and methodologies will have to the Circular Manufacturing (CM) Framework. To this end, Kthe project will (1) perform large-scale piloting in 7 pilots to demonstrate the technical, environmental and economic viability of its ecosystem to reshape intra-factory processes and services, (2) show the value in terms of operational efficiency improvements by at least 15%, (3) deliver resources reusable solutions (second use of material, part and components reuse) for the whole manufacturing sectors, (4) ensure scalability for future scale of novel CM technologies and services at least at the level of year 2024, (5) engage over 100 key European industry actors, (6) transfer knowledge and technology to increase use of KYKLOS 4.0 Ecosystem to at least 50%, (7) strengthen the position of Europen CM technologies providers and sector fostering a market share of up to 12%, (8) pursue a strong plan for sustainability by incubating at least 3 post-project replication sites, and (9) mobilize additional sector investments of at least 6 times the EC contribution.


  • Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Spain)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Centro di Ricerche Europeo di Tecnologie Design e Materiali (Italy)
  • Hellenic Urban Non-Profit Organisation (Greece)
  • Jotne EPM Technology (Finland)
  • F6S network Lrd. (United Kingdom)
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany)
  • European Digitial SME Alliance (Belgium)
  • Centre Internacional De Metodes Numerics en Energia (Spain)
  • Cirtes Src (France)
  • Siveco SA (Romania)
  • Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • GFT Srl (Italy)
  • Konnektable Technologies Limited (Irland)


  • Universitad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
  • PDMFC (Portugal)
  • Engineers for Business (Greece)
  • Algo Systems (Greece)
  • Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Innovacts Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • Astilleros de Santander (Spain)
  • GE Medical Systems (Israel)
  • Vestel Elektronik AS (Turkey)
  • Continental Automotive SRL (Romania)
  • Pro Medicare SRL (Italy)
  • Diad Group SRL (Italy)
  • Kanfit Ltd. (Israel)
  • Pindos Agricultural Cooperative (Greece)


Digital twin, Water cyber-physical system, Water quality monitoring, Water systems monitoring, Water technology - Advancing Sustainability of Process Industries through Digital and Circular Water Use Innovations
Industry 4.0


Call: H2020-LCCI-EASME-2020
Topic: CE-SPIRE-07-2020: “Preserving fresh water: recycling industrial waters industry”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 958396
Fix duration field: Dec 2020 – Nov 2024 (48 months)
Budget: € 12,847,491.81
ReFunding: € 11,055,247.94
Role: System Integrator, Technological Provider
Website: https://aquaspice.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aquaspice/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AquaSPICE1

Details and Information


AquaSPICE aims at materializing circular water use in the European Process Industries, fostering awareness in resource-efficiency and delivering compact solutions for industrial applications. That challenging aim necessitates (i) multiple state-of-the-art water treatment and re-use technologies, (ii) diverse closer-loop practices regarding water, energy and substances, (iii) a cyber-physical-system controller in the form of a system for real-time monitoring, assessment and optimization of water (re-)use at different interconnected levels and (iv) an effective methodological, regulatory and business framework. AquaSPICE not only offers these but claims their sufficiency, as also supported by the breadth of European process industries who are here to evaluate (i)-(iv).

AquaSPICE’s innovations emanate from the requirements of 6 Case Studies, involving 8 industrial actors (DOW, BASF, Water-Link, Solvay, ARETUSA, Agricola, JEMS and TUPRAS) in 6 EU countries (Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia and Romania) and 1 associated country (Turkey).


  • Maggioli SpA (Italy)
  • Universiteit Ghent (Belgium)
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy)
  • Technical University of Crete (Greece)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
  • University of Huddersfield (United Kingdom)
  • Business Development Group SRL (Romania)
  • Strane Innovation (France)
  • Audecia Business School (France)
  • Qlector Doo (Slovenia)
  • Acceligence Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Evides Industrewater BV (The Netherlands)
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)


  • Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany)
  • DOW Olefinverbund GmbH (Germany)
  • DOW Benelux (The Netherlands)
  • BASF Antwerpen NV (Belgium)
  • Solvay Chimica SpA (Italy)
  • Consorzio Aretusa (Italy)
  • Tupras (Turkey)
  • Jems Doo (Slovenia)
  • Agricola International SA (Romania)
  • Engie Laboralec (Belgium)
  • Water Link (Belgium)
  • KWR Water BV (The Netherlands)
  • Fundacio Eurecat (Spain)
  • VITO (Belgium)
  • Water Europe (Belgium)


Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, Smart Manifacturing - Energy efficient Manufacturing System Management
Industry 4.0


Call: H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2020
Topic: DT-FOF-09-2020: “Energy-efficient manufaactoring system management”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 958478
Fix duration field: Jan 2021 – Apr 2024 (40 months)
Budget: € 12,202,500.00
ReFunding: € 9,758,587.50
Role: Technical Coordinator, System Integrator, Technological Provider

Details and Information

ENERMAN project

ENERMAN envisions the factory as a living organism that can manage its energy consumption in an autonomous way. It will create an energy sustainability management framework collecting data from the factory and holistically process them to create dedicated energy sustainability metrics. These values will be used to predict energy trends using industrial processes, equipment and energy cost models. ENERMAN will deliver an autonomous, intelligent decision support engine that will evaluate the predicted trends and access if they match predefined energy consumption sustainability KPIs. If the KPIs are not met, ENERMAN will suggest and implement changes in energy affected production lines control processes: an energy aware flexible control loop on various factory processes will be deployed.

The ENERMAN administrators will be able to use the above mechanisms in order to identify how future changes in the production lines can impact energy sustainability using the ENERMAN prediction engine (based on digital twins) to visualize possible sustainability results when in-factory changes are made in equipment, production line. The ENERMAN digital twin will predict the economic cost of the consumed energy based on the collected and predicted Energy Peak load tariff, Renewable Energy System self-production, the variations in demand response, possible virtual generation and prosumer aggregation. Finally, ENERMAN considers the operators actions within the production chain as part of a factory’s energy fingerprint since their activity within the factory impacts the various production lines. In ENERMAN, we include a training mechanism with suggested personnel good practices for energy sustainability improvement through the production lines. Current and predicted energy consumption/sustainability trends on specific assets of the factory are collected and visualized in a Virtual, eXtended reality model of the factory to enhance the situational energy awareness of the factory personnel.


  • Centro Regionale ICT SCRL (Italy)
  • Depuy Unlimited (Irland)
  • FH OO Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH (Germany)
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy)
  • Infineon Technologies (Germany)
  • ASAS (Turkey)
  • Institut Superieur de Mecanique de Paris (France)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • AVL List GmbH (Austria)

I Partners Europei

  • SimPlan AG (Germany)
  • Yiotis SA (Greece)
  • ITML Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Prima Electro Spa (Italy)
  • 3DNew technologies SRL (Italy)
  • Stomana Industry SA (Bulgaria)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions (Switzerland)
  • Telecommunication Systems Institute (Greece)
  • Athena Research Centre (Greece)
  • AEGIS IT Research GmbH (Germany)
  • University of Cuprus (Cyprus)
  • University of Patras (Greece)



Cybersecurity, Cyber Threats, Risk Assessments, Standardised Cyber-Ranges, Cyber Awareness


Topic: Preparedness support and mutual assistance
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101158555
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 6.888.153,10
Funding: € 4.187.445,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technical Provider; Data and Risk Management and Quality Assurance; WP3 Leader; WP4 Leader
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.
Twitter: t.b.d.

Details and Information

CYberSynchrony project

CYberSynchrony introduces a holistic modular framework, amalgamating pioneering technologies to cultivate a cohesive, resilient cybersecurity infrastructure. Integrating every facet of organizational security, from technological advancements and human contributions to streamlined processes and a security-centric culture, it lays significant emphasis on rapid incident responses. This ensures enhanced preparedness and mutual assistance, providing an efficient counter to cyber threats.

The system incorporates advanced threat intelligence platforms and analytics tools, ensuring top-tier threat assessment, robust risk monitoring, and early incident detection. Furthermore, it champions cross-border collaboration using secure communication channels, promoting synchronized actions and information exchange among Member States.

The manifold value propositions of CyberSynchrony span: 1) Enhanced Security and Resilience, ensuring governments and crucial entities benefit from collective advancements in threat assessment and risk mitigation; 2) Improved Efficiency via automation and standardization, guaranteeing swift responses, streamlined operations, and reduced expenditures; 3) Greater Collaboration, realized through fortified, secure information sharing pathways; 4) Cultural Impact, where an emphasis on cybersecurity education nurtures an informed, cyber-conscious society; 5) Consistent Regulation and Compliance, as harmonized policies and certifications across sectors facilitate compliance; and 6) Scalable, Customized Solutions, ensuring the strategies remain pertinent and malleable to evolving cyber scenarios. Cumulatively, CyberSynchrony embodies a comprehensive, adaptive approach to cybersecurity, poised to address current challenges while being malleable to the dynamic nature of cyber threats


  • Maggioli Spa (Italia)
  • Ebos Technologies Limited (Cipro)
  • Ianus Consulting LTD (Cypro)
  • F6S EU Tech Innovation Network Designated Activity Company (Irlanda)
  • Trustilio BV (Paesi Bassi)
  • University of Piraeus Research Center (Grecia)
  • Archi Psifiakis Asfaleias (Cipro)
  • Center for Technological Support Development and Innovation (Grecia)
  • Focal Point (Belgio)
  • Byte Computer Anonymi Viomichanikiemporiki Etaireia (Grecia)
  • Dimos Egaleo (Grecia)
  • Meridian S.r.l. (Italia)
  • Samoutis and Associates DLC (Cipro)


Cybersecurity Preparedness support services, Security capabilities enhancement, Resilience capacity building, Consultancy support


Topic: Preparedness support and mutual assistance
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101158605
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 6.973.237,08
Funding: € 302.810,00
Role: System Integrator; Technology Provider; WP2 Leader
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.
Twitter: t.b.d.

Details and Information

EuDoros project

Cyber-attacks on the organisations of any size from large critical infrastructure to SME and start-ups are constantly increasing and impact of such attacks can be wide-reaching and devastating. Organisations need to increase the knowledge and capability to improve the preparedness actions for cyber threats and incidents and mutual assistance among the organisations for any security needs. In this context, EuDoros aims to offer preparedness support services which will deploy to the selected entities from different sectors (e.g. energy, transport, banking, health, other digital infrastructure and public administration sector) in order to enhance their existing security capabilities and increase the level of protection and resilience against cyber threats.

The project will customise preparedness support services taken into account sector specific content and integrate into an innovative, open, collaborative, and tailor-made platform for deploying into the infrastructure of the selected entities. There will be 50 entities selected from at least 150 organisations participating to the open call process benefited of using the preparedness support services for enhancing overall capability for managing threats and incidents. The selected entities from various sectors will be trained using cyber-range based training service for creating awareness and given consultancy support for using and adoption the EuDoros.


  • Aegis IT Research Gmbh (Germamia);
  • ​Sphynx Hellas Anonymi Etaireia (Grecia)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Security Labs Consulting Limited (Irlanda)
  • Diinekes S.I. Monoprosopi Idiotiki Kefalaiouchiki Etaireia (Grecia)
  • Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo SA (Spagna)
  • Eit Digital (Belgio)


Data Governance, Agri-Data, Data Exploitation, Business Model Innovation, Data Value


Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01
Topics: MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021
Reference: Gran Agreement n. 101073381
Duration: 48 mesi
Budget: € 2.705.392,80
Founding: € 259.437,60
Role: Technology Provider
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.
Twitter: t.b.d.

Details and Information

EnTrust Project

ENTRUST brings together 16 leading research institutions and enterprise from 5 different countries across Europe to establish a Doctoral Network that will train a cohort of 11 Doctoral Researchers (DRs) in an intersectoral, international and interdisciplinary setting with the aim to establish a new generation of Data Executives. These graduates will have obtained a PhD and are able to take on leading roles in academia, industry or policy sector. They will be experts on agri-data governance sharing data in a fair, transparent, and trusted environment. ENTRUST demonstrate how agri-data from farmers can be made available, governed, and exploited, with benefits shared in a fair way. ENTRUST will enable DRs to excel in their future career perspectives in the intersection between computing, information systems and social science and thus, provide the DRs with enhanced career perspectives, combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set and creativity, thereby forming a new generation of Data Executives.

ENTRUST provides the foundation for doctoral training programme on agri-data governance that will set a standard on including gender dimension and sustainability aspects within PhD training. Entrust also addresses current challenges of data governance in agriculture and farming and will provide scientific results on (1) adoption factors of Data Technologies to allow farmers to unlock data potential, (2) on enhanced Data Governance practices to ensure a fair and trustworthy agri-data space and (3) on new types of innovative Business models for fair value sharing. This is combined with network training and research and outreach to maximise the project impact.

Entrust provides input in science, data governance and agricultural and many other sectors. Entrust supports the European Data Strategy foreseeing European Data Spaces as the key instrument to democratize the access to data and unlock its full value, in particular for the agri-food sector.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • National University of Ireland Maynooth (Ireland)
  • Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)
  • Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon (Greece)
  • Linneuniversitetet (Sweden)
  • Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Singularlogic Anonymi Etaireia Pliroforiakon Systimaton Kai Efarmogonpliroforikis (Greece)
  • Arfield Estate DAC (Ireland)
  • Universitaet St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • Rotha Teoranta (Ireland)
  • Marisco’ – Azienda Agricola Laura Bargione (Italy)
  • Agro Apps I.K.E. (Greece)
  • Interior Cluster Sweden AB (Sweden)
  • Teagasc – Agricolture and Food Development Authority (Ireland)
  • Sodra Skogsagarna Ekonomisk Forening (Sweden)
  • HL Design & Media AB (Sweden)


Virtual Reality, Digital Twins, Cyber Range, AI enabled Security Solutions


Call: HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01
Topic: Improved monitoring of threats, intrusion detection and response in complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101120779
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 5.999.637,50
Funding: € 503.125,00
Role: Project Coordinator; System Integrator; Exploitation Expert; WP6 Leader
Website: https://cybersecdome.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cybersecdome-eu-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cybersecdome_eu
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSYBbbA2ixa3otxrJsynFbA

Details and Information

CyberSecPro project

Organisations across the sectors are significantly benefited with the digital transformation to support evolving business models, services and customer experience.

Despite of the benefits of Digital Infrastructure adoption, there are numerous security challenges that could pose any digital disruption and risks for the critical service delivery and overall business continuity. There is a need to understand the overall digital infrastructure context and analyse and predict the possible threats and incident in real time so that quick and accurate responses can be taken into consideration for ensuring resilience of service delivery. Additionally, collaborative response and sharing of threat intelligence information is necessary to create overall awareness and increase the response capability of all stakeholders within the ecosystem. In this proposal, CyberSecDome project will integrate advanced virtuality reality to extend the capability of the security solutions aiming to enhance security, privacy and resilience of the Digital Infrastructure. The project will consider AI enabled security solutions to provide a better prediction of cybersecurity threats and related risks towards an efficient and dynamic incident management and optimise collaborative response among the stakeholders within the Digital Infrastructure ecosystem.

CyberSecDome project is built on a collaboration of 15 organisations from 6 EU member states (IT, DE, IE, SE, EL, CY) and 2 affiliated countries (UK, CH) which is composed by 5 industrial partners, 6 scientific partners and 5 SMEs


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germania)
  • Airbus Cybersecurity Sas (Francia)
  • Athens International Airport S.a. (Grecia)
  • Eit Digital (Belgio)
  • Organismos Tilepikoinonion Tis Ellados Ote Ae (Grecia)
  • Institut Mines-telecom (Francia)
  • Linkopings Universitet (Svezia)
  • Aegis Research Gmbh (Germania)
  • Security Labs Consulting Limited (Irlanda)
  • Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation (Regno Unito)
  • Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Tilepikononiak on Systimaton (Grecia)
  • Cyberalytics Limited (Cipro)
  • Iotam Internet of Things Applications and Multi Layer Development LTD (Cipro)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions AG (Svizzera)


Integrated Risk Management, Security Orchestration Automation and Response, Cyber range, Cyber Threat Intelligence, User and Entity Behaviour Analytics, business continuity, Cybersecurity Insurance


Call: HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01
Topic: Improved monitoring of threats, intrusion detection and response in complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101120853
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 5.967.875,00
Funding: € 245.875,00
Role: WP7 Leader; Exploitation and Dissemination Expert
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.
Twitter: t.b.d.

Details and Information

Synapse project

Synapse aims to design, develop and deliver an Integrated Cyber Security Risk & Resilience Management Platform, with holistic situational awareness, incident response and preparedness capabilities. The platform encompasses:

  • (i) Incident Response through process automation and orchestration mechanisms, also covering organisational/business aspects (e.g., business continuity processes);
  • (ii) AI-enhanced Situational Awareness, encompassing extraction & analytics of actionable and pertinent Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), along with attack early warning and threat hunting systems;
  • (iii) Preparedness through cybersecurity, privacy and business continuity training, covering different training delivery means, which tailor the delivery method to the content;
  • (iv) Technical & economic risk management, integrating outputs of (i)-(iii) above and supporting risk-benefit analyses (including what-if scenarios) to inform decision-making and enable risk transfer schemes with Smart Contract-enabled cybersecurity insurance;
  • (v) Continuous feedback between (i)-(iv) above, along with standards-based sharing, alerting and reporting (intra- and inter- Member State), based on outputs of (i)-(iii) above, thus enabling the establishment of shared situational awareness, coordinated response and joint preparedness.


  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italia)
  • Framatome Gmbh (Germania)
  • Dienekes S.I. Single Member P.C. (Grecia)
  • Cyberalytics Limited (Cipro)
  • Karavias Mesites Asfaliseon Kai Symvouloi Asfaliseon Anonymi Etairia (Grecia)
  • Insuretics Limited (Cipro)
  • Universidad de Malaga (Spagna)
  • Aegis IT Research Gmbh (Germania)
  • Nodalpoint Systems (Grecia)
  • Eunomia Limited (Irlanda)
  • Bluesoft Spolka Z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia (Polonia)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Archi Psifiakis Asfaleias (Cipro)
  • Universitetet I Oslo (Norvegia)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions AG (Svizzera)


Conformity self assessment, cybersecurity certification, EU CSA, CRA, Assurance Levels, Composite product certification, testing


Call: HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01
Topic: Development and validation of processes and tools used for agile certification of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101120684
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 4.999.158,25
Funding: € 382.375,00
Role: Technology Provider; Technical Coordination; WP4 Leader
Website: https://custodes-project.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/custodes-eu-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CustodesEu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553693646385

Details and Information

CUSTODES project

CUSTODES will develop and implement an innovative configurable, user-friendly and cost-effective Composite Inspection and Certification (CIC) System which will facilitate the cybersecurity certification of ICT Products (software, hardware, ICT systems, ICT Services, ICT Processes) which will serve as Targets of Evaluation (ToE). CUSTODES is a system comprised of a variety of components with the aim to provide trustworthy, cost-effective, agile and portable conformity assessment capabilities, to a variety of interested parties, covering multiple Assurance levels of Composite ICT products or ICT services.

The CUSTODES system will discover and translate certification information of the Building Blocks of the composite ICT products or Services under evaluation, will provide Certification information to the interested parties and will share information on newly identified vulnerabilities related to the specific blocks or composite products as needed increasing transparency, re-usability and trust. It will also utilize a Restricted & Trusted Execution (RTE) Environment, to ensure the chain of custody of the product under assessment.

CUSTODES will be validated in three pilots, a) one of two Class I composite products with digital elements, b) one of an ICT product with an embedded AI component and c) a final one of the as-a-service functionality through EIT Digital extensive digital ecosystem.

The CUSTODES project is built on a collaboration of 17 organisations from 11 EU member states and third countries.


  • Rise Research Institutes of Svezia AB (Svezia)
  • Dekra SE (Germania)
  • Red Alert Labs (Francia)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Eit Digital (Belgio)
  • Aegis IT Research Gmbh (Germania)
  • Security Labs Consulting Limited (Irlanda)
  • Hyker Security AB (Svezia)
  • Telefonica Investigación y Desarollo SA (Spagna)
  • Fundacio Privada I2CAT, Internet I Innovacio Digital A Catalunya (Spagna)
  • P-NET Anadyomena Diktya Neas Genias & Efarmoges Idiotiki Kefalaiouchiki Etareia (Grecia)
  • Apiroplus Solutions LTD (Cipro)
  • Trustilio BV (Paesi Bassi)
  • Sistimata Tilepikinonion Antonis Georgiou Monoprosopi Eteria Periorismenis Efthinis (Grecia)


Collaborative, Multi-modal and Agile Professional Cybersecurity Training Program for A Skilled Workforce In the European Digital Single Market and Industries


Call: DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01
Topic: Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101083594
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 5.999.637,50
Funding: € 266.965,00
Role: Dissemination and Exploitation Expert; WP6 Leader
Website: https://www.cybersecpro-project.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cybersecpro-euproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CyberSecPro_eu 

Details and Information

CyberSecPro project

EU Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have more than 128 cybersecurity academic programs (undergraduate and graduate) as identified by ENISA (CyberHEAD), JRC (ATLAS) and a variety of reports by the 4 pilot projects (Sparta, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO, CONCORDIA). These academic programs, with their static curricula, do not provide the dynamic capabilities and emerging skills needed in the market. The digital transformation imposes the HEIs to enhance their role in preparing the new generation workforce and to upskill the existing one in meeting the challenging and ever-growing cybersecurity challenges (e.g., massive AI attacks).

Seventeen (17) HEIs and thirteen (13) security companies from sixteen (16) Member States propose the agile CyberSecPro professional cybersecurity practical and hands-on training program that will complement, support and advance the existing academic programs by linking innovation, research, industry, academia and SME support. CyberSecPro aims to bridge the gap between degrees, working-life and marketable cybersecurity skill sets necessary in the digitalization efforts and become the best practice for all cybersecurity training programs.


  • Universitaet Frankfurt (Germania)
  • Institut Mines-Telecom (Francia)
  • Laurea-Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland)
  • Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (Estonia)
  • Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (Germania)
  • Polytechneio Kritis (Grecia)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands)
  • University of (Cipro)
  • Universidad De Malaga (Spagna)
  • University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
  • CNR (Italia)
  • COFAC (Portogallo)
  • SINTEF (Norvegia)
  • Uninova (Portogallo)


  • Maggioli (Italia)
  • PDM (Portogallo)
  • Sphynx Analytics (Portogallo)
  • Social Engineering Academy (Germania)
  • Serious Games Interactive (Denmark)
  • Security Labs (Irlanda)
  • trustilio (Netherlands)
  • ZELUS (Grecia)
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portogallo)
  • University of Piraeus (Grecia)
  • ACEEU (Germania)
  • Apiroplus Solutions (Cipro)
  • C2B Consulting (Francia)
  • Focal Point (Belgio)
  • Information Technology for Market Leadership (Grecia)


pLatform for Analysis of Resilient and secUre Software


Call: HORIZON-CL3-2021-CS-01-03
Topic: AI for Cybersecurity Reinforcement
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n, 101070303
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 3.647.438,00
Funding: € 380.000,00
Role: Use Case Partner; Technology developer
Website: https://lazarus-he.eu/index.php
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lazarus-eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2Flazarus_eu 

Details and Information

Il Progetto LAZARUS

LAZARUS is a three-year research and innovation project that aims to heal many of the security issues that befall modern software during its development lifecycle. The recently introduced area of DevSecOps - in medium to large companies - unfortunately lacks automated security tools, while most existing solutions are targeting only one narrow step of the SDLC process but miss a much needed holistic overview of the global security solution. LAZARUS innovates by intervening in multiple steps of the SDLC, performing targeted security checks and collecting valuable information and intelligence from each step, and exploiting advanced ML and AI methods to convert this intelligence into actionable insights and recommendations.

The main innovations of LAZARUS are illustrated in the figure below. Moreover, we provide advanced features for developers, that employing our tools would be able to deploy more intelligent and distributed solutions through dedicated APIs. LAZARUS follows an open-source approach for the core functionality, which is supported by a realistic and viable business model for the sustainability and further exploitation of the project after it reaches the end of this financing phase.


  • Maggioli (Italia)
  • ARC (Grecia)
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spagna)
  • Università degli Studi di Padova (Italia)
  • Infotrend (Cipro)
  • Datacentric (Romania)
  • University of Kent (Regno Unito)
  • Motivia (Bulgaria)
  • Binare Oy (Finland)
  • Fundacion APWG (Spagna)


Conformity Assessment Process, Cybersecurity, Risk Assessment, Security Certification Scheme, Supply Chain - Certifying the Security and Resilience of Supply Chain Services


Call:    H2020-SU-ICT-2019
Topic:    SU-ICT-02-2020: “Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems”
Type:    RIA
References: Grant Agreement No. 952690
Duration: Ott 2020 – Set 2023 (36 months)
Budget: € 4,992,750.00
ReFunding: € 631.250,00
Role: Project Coordinator, System Integrator
Website: www.cyrene.eu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cyrene-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CYRENE_H2020

Details and Information

CIRENE project

CYRENE vision is to enhance the security, privacy, resilience, accountability and trustworthiness of Supply Chains (SCs) through the provision of a novel and dynamic Conformity Assessment Process (CAP) that evaluates the security and resilience of supply chain services, the interconnected IT infrastructures composing these services and the individual devices that support the operations of the SCs. In order to meet its objective, the proposed Conformity Assessment Process is based on a collaborative, multi-level evidence -driven, Risk and Privacy Assessment Approach that support, at different levels, the SCs security officers and operators to recognize, identify, model, and dynamically analyse advanced persistent threats and vulnerabilities as well as to handle daily cybersecurity and privacy risks and data breaches.

CYRENE will be validated in the scope of realistic scenarios/conditions comprising of real-life supply chain infrastructures and end-users. Furthermore, the project will ensure the active engagement of a large number of external stakeholders as a means of developing a wider ecosystem around the project’s results, which will set the basis for CYRENE’s large scale adoption and global impact.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA (Italy)
  • Valencia Port Authority (Spain)
  • Stockholms University (Sveden)
  • Telecommunication Systems Institute (Greece)
  • University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (Serbia)
  • Focal Point SPRL (Belgium)
  • Hyperborea Srl (Italy)
  • Cyberlenses BV (The Netherlands)
  • Zelus IKE (Greece)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions AG (Switzerland)
  • ITML Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Ubitech Ltd (Cyprus)


Artificial Intelligence, Blackchain, Cybersecuirty, Digital Service Chains, Information Security, Threat Detection - A Cybersecurity Framework to Guarantee Reliability and Trust for Digital Service Chains


Call: H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: SU-ICT-01-2018: “Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 833456
Duration: Mag 2019 – Apr 2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 5.443.250,00
ReFounding: € 4.684.700,00
Role: Project Coordinator, Quality Manager. Demonstrator. Exploitation Leader
Website: https://guard-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/guard-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Guard_Project

Details and Information

GUARD project

GUARD aims to develop an open and extensible platform for advanced assurance and protection of trustworthy and reliable business chains spanning multiple administrative domains and heterogeneous infrastructures. The purpose is manifold: i) to increase the information base for analysis and detection, while preserving privacy, ii) to improve the detection capability by data correlation between domains and sources, iii) to verify reliability and dependability by formal methods that take into account configuration and trust properties of the whole chain, and iv) to increase awareness by better propagation of knowledge to the humans in the loop.

The distinctive approach of GUARD will be the architectural separation between analysis and data sources, mediated by proper abstraction; this paradigm will result in an open, modular, pluggable, extendable, and scalable security framework. This holistic solution will blend security-by-design with enhanced inspection and detection techniques, raising situational awareness at different levels of the companies’ structure by tailored informative contents, so to enable quick and effective reaction to cyber-threats.


  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • Italtel SPA (Italy)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
  • Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (Italy)
  • Fiware Foundation eV (Germany)
  • Wobcom GmbH (Germany)
  • Minds & Sparks GmbH (Austria)
  • Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Austria)
  • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • Eight Bells Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • NaRegno Unitoowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa (Poland)
  • MC2 Innovations (Poland)
  • Law and Internet Foundation (Bulgaria)
  • JIG Internet Consulting (Spain)
  • University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Hospital (Italy)


Advanced Persistent Threats, Critical Information Infrastructures, Cybersecurity, Incident Response, Machine Learning, Threat Detection - A Cybersecurity Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures


Call: H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: SU-ICT-01-2018: “Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 833683
Duration: Set 2019 – Ago 2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 6.146.737,50
ReFounding: € 4.985.550,00
Role: Technical Coordinator; Exploitation Leader
Website: https://www.cybersane-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cybersane-h220/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CyberSANEH2020 

Details and Information


CyberSANE aims to enhance the security and resilience of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs) by providing a dynamic collaborative, warning and response system supporting and guiding security officers and operators (e.g. Incident Response professionals) to recognize, identify, dynamically analyze, forecast, treat and respond to advanced persistent threats (APTs) and handle their daily cyber incidents utilizing and combining both structured data (e.g. logs and network traffic) and unstructured data (e.g. data coming from social networks and dark web).

In achieving that aim, CyberSANE will introduce a holistic and privacy-aware approach in handling security incidents, addressing the complexity of these nets consisting of cyber assets hosted in cross-border, heterogeneous Critical Information Infrastructures (CIs). Moreover, CyberSANE is fully in-line with relevant regulations (such as the GDPR and NIS directive), which requires organizations to increase their preparedness, improve their cooperation with each other, and adopt appropriate steps to manage security risks, report and handle security incidents. 


  • Projecto Desenvolvimento Manutencao Formacao e Consultadorialda (Portugal)
  • Atos SA (Spain)
  • S2 Group (Spain)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
  • Institut National de Recherche Eninformatique et Automatique (France)
  • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • Katholike Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
  • Institut Josef Stefan (Slovenia)
  • Ubitech Ltd. (Greece)
  • Sidroco Holdings Ltd. (Ciprus)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions AG (Switzerland)
  • Fundacion Valenciaport (Spain)
  • Lightsource Labs Ltd. (Ireland)


BigData, Cloud Computing, Critical Infrastructures Protection, Cybersecurity, Maritime Supply Chain, Ports, Risk Management, Social Media - Multidimensional, Integrated, Risk Assessment Framework and Dynamic, Collaborative Risk Management Tools for Critical Information Infrastructures


Call: H2020-DS-2014-1
Topic: DS-06-2014: “Risk Management and Assurance Models”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 653212
Duration: Set 2015 – Feb 2018 (30 months)
Budget: € 3.549.871,00
ReFounding: € 3.109.797,00
Role: Open Intelligence and Big Data analytics for threat forecasting and prediction; Cloud-based configuration management and governance infrastructure; Services integration and testing; Continuous technical support and management of incidents; Services and processes continuous improvement; Business and sustainability planning
Website: www.mitigateproject.eu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8472607/

Details and Information

MITIGATE project

MITIGATE will realize a radical shift in risk management methodologies for the maritime sector towards a collaborative evidence-driven Maritime Supply Chain Risk Assessment (g-MSCRA) approach that alleviates the limitations of state-of-the-art risk management frameworks. To this end, the project will integrate, validate and commercially exploit an effective, collaborative, standards-based risk management (RM) system for port’s critical information infrastructures (CIIs), which shall consider all threats arising from the global supply chain, including threats associated with portCIIs interdependencies and associated cascading effects.

The MITIGATE system will enable port and other maritime supply chain participants’ operators to manage their security in a holistic, integrated and cost-effective manner, while at the same time producing and sharing knowledge associated with the identification, assessment and quantification of cascading effects from the global ports’ supply chain. In this way, they will be able to predict potential security incidents, but also to mitigate and minimize the consequences of divergent security threats and their cascading effects in the most cost-effective way, i.e. based on evidence associated with simulation scenarios and security assurance models.


  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Germany)
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
  • University of Piraeus Research Centre (Greece)
  • University of Brighton (united Kingdom)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • SingularLogic Computer Applications SRL (Romania)
  • Piraeus Port Authority (Greece)
  • Port of Ravenna Authority (Italy)
  • Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile (Italy)
  • Fundación Valenciaport (Spain)
  • Dbh Logistics IT AG (Germany)

Data Science


Universal Platform Components for Safe Fair Interoperable Data Exchange, Monetisation and Trading
Data Science


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01-04
Topic: Technologies and solutions for data trading, monetizing, exchange and interoperability (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership)
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101093216
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: € 8.587.126,25
Funding Maggioli: € 566.063,00
Role: WP4 Leader; System Integrator
Website: https://www.upcast-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/upcast-project/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upcastprojecteu

Details and Information

UPCAST Project

UPCAST provides a set of universal, trustworthy, transparent and user-friendly data market plugins for the automation of data sharing and processing agreements between businesses, public administrations and citizens. Our plugins will enable actors in the common European data spaces to design and deploy data exchange and trading operations guaranteeing (i) automatic negotiation of agreement terms, (ii) dynamic fair pricing, (ii) improved data-asset discovery, (iii) privacy, commercial and administrative confidentiality requirements, (iv) low environmental footprint, as well as ensuring compliance with (v) relevant legislation and (vi) ethical and responsibility guidelines. UPCAST will support the deployment of Common European data spaces by consolidating mature research in the areas of data management, privacy, monetisation, exchange and automated negotiation, considering efficiency for the environment as well as compliance with EU and national initiatives, AI regulations and ethical procedures.

Four real-world pilots across Europe will operationalise a set of working platform plugins for data sharing, monetisation and trading, deployable across a variety of different data marketplaces and platforms, ensuring digital autonomy of data providers, brokers, users and data subjects, and enabling interoperability within European data spaces. UPCAST aims at engaging SMEs, administrations and citizens by providing a transferability framework, best practices and training to endow users in order to deploy the new technologies and maximise impact of the project.

I Partners Europei

  • IDC (Italia)
  • University of Southampton (Regno Unito)
  • University College Dublin (Irlanda)
  • ICT Abovo Technologies (Grecia)
  • Maggioli (Italia)
  • Anaptyxiaki Meizonos Astikis (Grecia)
  • Open Knowledge Foundation (Grecia)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgio)
  • SINTEF (Norvegia)
  • Jot Internet Media (Spagna)
  • Alcatel-Lucent International (Francia)
  • LSTECH (Spagna)
  • Innovation Centre Doo (Serbia)
  • Ethniko Idryma Erevnon (Grecia)
  • Anestis D.Stamatis (Grecia)


Anonimity, Data control, Data ownership, Personal data protection, Privacy, Privacy preservation, Trust - Persistent Personal Data Vaults Empowering a Secure and Privacy Preserving Data Storage, Analysis, Sharing and Monetisation Platform


Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: ICT-13-2018: “Supporting the emergence of data markets and the data economy ”
Tiype: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 871755
Duration: Gen 2020 – Dic 2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 7.664.755,00
ReFunding: € 361.813,00
Role: System Integrator, Technological Provider, Dissemination Leader
Website: www.datavaults.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/datavaults-h2020-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DataVaultsH2020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DataVaults-H2020-Project-104528694494271/


Details and Information


DataVaults aims to deliver a framework and a platform that has personal data, coming from diverse sources in its centre and that defines secure, trusted and privacy preserving mechanisms allowing individuals to take ownership and control of their data and share them at will, through flexible data sharing and fair compensation schemes with other entities (companies or not).

The overall approach will rejuvenate the personal data value chain, which could from now on be seen as a multi-sided and multi-tier ecosystem governed and regulated by smart contracts which safeguard personal data ownership, privacy and usage and attributes value to the ones who produce it.


  • Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany)
  • Atos SA (Spain)
  • Artificious (Belgium)
  • Assentian Europe Ltd. (Israel)
  • Infineon Technologies AG (Germany)
  • Infineon Technologies AG (Austria)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • UBITECH Ubiquitos Solutions (Greece)
  • Suite5 data Intelligence Solutions Ltd. (Cyprus)


  • A7 Software (Belgium)
  • ETA Consulting (Italy)
  • Danish Technical University (Danmark)
  • Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spain)
  • Olympiakos Stadium (Greece)
  • Comune di Prato (Italy)
  • MyEnergia SL (Spain)
  • Piraeus Municipality (Greece)

Cloud Computing


Next Generation Meta Operating System
Cloud Computing


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-05
Topic: Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems 
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101070118
Duration: 36 months
Budget: € 10.499.650,00
ReFounding: € 421.250,00
Role: Cybersecurity expert; Data Management expert
Website: https://meta-os.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HE-NEMO/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HE_NEMO_Project

Details and Information

NEMO project

NEMO aims to establish itself as the game changer of AIoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum by introducing an open source, flexible, adaptable, cybersecure and multi-technology meta-Operating System, sustainable during and after the end of the project, via the Eclipse foundation (NEMO consortium member).

To achieve technology maturity and massive adoption, NEMO will not “reinvent the wheel”, but leverage and interface existing systems, technologies and Open Standards, and introduce novel concepts, tools, testing facilities/Living Labs and engagement campaigns to go beyond today’s state of the art, make breakthrough research and create sustainable innovation, already within the project lifetime. NEMO will introduce innovations at different layers of the protocol stack, enabling on-device Cybersecure Federated ML/DRL, deliver time-triggered (TSN) multipath ad-hoc/hybrid self-organized and zero-delay failback/self-healing multicloud clusters, multi-technology Secure Execution Environment and on-Service Level Objectives meta-Orchestrator, Plugin and Apps Lifecycle Management and Intent Based programming tools. Moreover, NEMO will be “by design” and “by innovation” cybersecure and trusted adopting state of the art mechanisms such as Mutual TLS and Digital Identity Attestation. NEMO will be validated in 5 most prominent industrial sectors (i.e. Farming, Energy, Mobility/City, Industry 4.0 and Media/XR) and 8 use cases in 5 +1 Living Labs, utilizing more than 30 heterogenous IoT devices and real 5G infrastructure. The impact will not only safeguard EU position in data economy and applications verticals, but lower energy efficiency, reduce pesticides and CO2 footprint. Beyond Eclipse adoption, NEMO sustainability, wide acceptance and SMEs engagement will be achieved via open source ecosystems, standardization initiatives and 2 Open Calls that will provide financial support of 1,8M€ and access to NEMO Living Labs to SMEs and enlarge NEMO by at least 16 new entities


  • Atos (Spain)
  • Atos IT (Spain)
  • Thales Six (France)
  • Engineering (Italy)
  • Software Imagination & Vision (Romania)
  • INTRASOFT International (Luxemburg)
  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Space Hellas (Greece)
  • Telefonica I+D (Spain)
  • Hellenic Telecommunications (Greece)
  • WIND TRE (Italy)
  • Continental Temic Microelectronic (Germany)
  • Entersoft (Greece)
  • ASM Terni (Italy)
  • Foundation of Hellenic World FHW (Greece)
  • Novoville (UK)
  • Emotion (Italy)
  • Cumucore (Finland)
  • Synelixis (Greece)
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions (Switzerland)
  • AEGIS IT Research (Germany)
  • Sorbonne Université (France)
  • Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (Spain)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany)
  • Eclipse Foundation (Germany)


Cloud Apps Lifecycle Management, Cloud Computing, Cloud Governance, Elasticity-by-Design, Multi-Cloud Orchestration, Multi-Cloud Services, Security-by-Design - A Novel Framework for Multi-Cloud Services Development, Orchestration, Deployment and Continuous Management Fostering Cloud Technologies Uptake from Digital SMEs and Start-ups
Cloud Computing


Call: H2020-ICT-2016-1
Topic: ICT-06-2016: “Cloud Computing”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 731846
Duration: Gen 2017 – Dic 2019 (36 months)
Budget: € 4.173.850,00
ReFunding: € 381.937,50
Role: • UNICORN framework and platform integrator • Code maintenance and software quality assurance manager • Cloud computing resource manager • Risk manager • Market analysis, exploitation and business planning contributor
Website: www.unicorn-project.eu

Details and Information

UNICORN project

UNICORN aims to simplify the design, deployment and management of secure and elastic – by design – multi-cloud services. This will be achieved by i) development and design libraries that will provide security enforcement mechanisms, data privacy restrictions, monitoring metric collection and resource management across multiple cloud sites; ii) enabling continuous orchestration and automatic optimization of portable and dynamic cloud services running on virtual instances or micro-execution containers for increased security, data protection privacy and vast resource (de)allocation.

Towards this end, and building upon this umbrella concept, the UNICORN vision can be considered two-fold: to enable software developers to design and develop secure and elastic applications and to increase the awareness of all stakeholders, in particular SMEs and Startups. UNICORN will reduce software release time and provide a powerful tool for SMEs to improve software design and continuous productivity enhancement.


  • CAS Software AG (Germany)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)
  • Ubitech EPE (Greece)
  • Suite5 Ltd. (United Kingdom)
  • University of Cipro (Cyprus)
  • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • European Digital SME Alliance (Belgium)
  • Deutsches Institut fuer Normung e.V. (Germany)
  • Steinbeis Beratungzentren GmbH (Germany)
  • Universitad Politecnica de Cartagena (Spain)
  • Redikod AB (Sweden)


Highly distributed applications, programmable infrastructure, reconfigurable by design, Software development paradigm - A Novel Reconfigurable-by-Design Highly Distributed Applications Development Paradigm over Programmable Infrastructure
Cloud Computing


Call: H2020-ICT-2014-1
Topic: ICT-09-2014: “Tools and Methods for Software Development”
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 645372
Duration: Gen 2015 – Dic 2017 (36 months)
Budget: € 3.543.864,00
Role: Use case leader; Business and exploitation leader
Website: www.arcadia-framework.eu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eu_arcadia 

Details and Information

ARCADIA project

ARCADIA aims to facilitate application developers to develop a software that is able to take advantage of the underlying infrastructure, while in parallel support the deployment and dynamic configuration of applications in an optimal and autonomic manner. The proposed framework will rely on the design and development of a novel reactive software development paradigm for concurrent and highly distributed applications as well as the design and development of holistic applications’ deployment and management framework over programmable infrastructure. The notion of breakdown of applications in a set of micro-services along with the definition of appropriate service chaining schemes that are used during the applications’ deployment and execution time is dominant within the project. Adoption of principles and techniques already available in novel software engineering paradigms as well as those evolved within the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) era are highly envisaged.

ARCADIA’s reference implementation and developed toolkits are going to facilitate application developers to design and develop infrastructural-agnostic applications and lead to the evolvement of novel and innovative paradigms for the deployment of advanced applications, boosting in this way their productivity as well as the competitiveness of the EU software development industry. Furthermore, the development of applications executed over programmable infrastructure will enable the deployment of eco-systems offering a plethora of innovation opportunities for software industry as well as SMEs. Advanced applications and end-to-end services may be introduced at lower risk while keeping the network reliable and secure and improving its utilization and operational efficiency.


  • National University of Irlanda – Galway (Ireland)
  • Stiftelsen SINTEF (Norvay)
  • Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
  • Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (Italy)
  • Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia)
  • UBITECH EPE (Greece)
  • WINGS ICT Solutions EPE (Greece)
  • ADITESS Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • Maggioli SPA (Italy)



SEcurity Protection TOols for networked medical devices
SEcurity Protection TOols for networked medical devices


Call: HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-01
Topic: Enhancing cybersecurity of connected medical devices
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101094901
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: € 4.897.778,50
Funding Maggioli: € 417.500,00
Role: Task Leader; Technology Developer
Website: http://septon-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/septon-project-b3236b264/

Details and Information

SEPTON project

SEPTON aims to address the gap in the generic technologies and processes referring to the IT network infrastructure with a holistic approach towards reinforcing NMD security within the healthcare centre premises. The project will advance cutting-edge solutions in healthcare cybersecurity targeting the aforementioned health providers and particularly focusing on networked medical devices (NMDs).

The SEPTON approach will result in a comprehensive cybersecurity toolkit providing tools and mechanisms to be used in hospitals and care centres for

  • the protection of networked medical devices, including wearable and implantable devices, and using techniques such as polymorphism;
  • the secure and privacy preserving data exchanges between NMDs, utilising techniques such as blockchain, differential privacy and encryption;
  • behavioural anomaly detection, utilising a cybersecurity analytics framework coupled with machine learning techniques and hardware acceleration for increased performance;
  • NMD vulnerability assessment. The usability of the proposed solutions will be tested in a realistic setup via extensive pilot trials, facilitated by the participation of two healthcare organisations.


  • Space Hellas (Greece)
  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Infili Technologies (Greece)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer System (Greece)
  • Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam (Nederland)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft (Nederland)
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technologikis Anapty (Greece)
  • Zortenet Idiotiki Kefalaiouxiki Etaireia (Greece)
  • Hasso-Plattner-Institut Fur Digital Engineering (Germany)
  • EBIT (Italy)


Border surveillance, Detection, identification and authentication, Pre-frontier intelligence picture, 360 Wide area surveillance, Radio-frequency analysis & localisation, Unmanned vehicles, Social media, AR/VR, EUROSUR, CISE - An Enhanced pre-frontier intelligence picture to Safeguard The eurOpean boRders


Call: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020
Topic: SU-BES03-2020: “Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external security”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101021851
Duration: 18 months
Budget: € 6.108.593,75
ReFunding: € 175.000,00
Role: Dissemination and exploitation Leader; System Integrator; Platform architecture
Website: https://nestor-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nestor-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nestor_H2020

Details and Information

NESTOR project

NESTOR aims to demonstrate a fully functional next generation holistic border surveillance system providing pre-frontier situational awareness beyond maritime and land border areas following the concept of the European Integrated Border Management. NESTOR long-range and wide area surveillance capabilities for detection, recognition classification and tracking of moving targets (e.g. persons, vessels, vehicles, drones etc.) is based on optical, thermal imaging and Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum analysis technologies fed by an interoperable sensors network including stationary installations and mobile manned or unmanned vehicles (aerial, ground, water, underwater) capable of functioning both as standalone, tethered and in swarms. NESTOR BC3i system will fuse in real-time border surveillance data combined with web and social media information, creating and sharing a prefrontier intelligent picture to local, regional and national command centers in AR environment being interoperable with CISE and EUROSUR.


  • Hellenic Police (Greece)
  • Administration of the State border Guard Service of Ukraine (Ucraine)
  • State border Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus)
  • Glavna Direktsia Granichna Politsia (Bulgaria)
  • Ministry of Interior (Macedonia)
  • Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works (Cyprus)
  • Valstybes Sienos Apsaugos Tarnyba Prie Vidalus Reikalu Ministerios (Lithuania)
  • Miniterio del Interior (Spain)
  • Woitsch Consulting OY (Finland)
  • Kentro Meleton Aspaleias (Greece)
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Greece)
  • Satways – Projonta kai Ypiresies Tilematikis Diktyaron kai Tilepikinoniakon Efarimogon Etaria Periorismenis Efthinis EPE (Greece)


  • Miltech Hellas Biomichania Emporioantiprosopeies Ilektronikon Optikon kai Michanologikon Eidon AE (Greece)
  • Maggioli spa (Italy)
  • Elistair (France)
  • Oceanscan – Marine systems & Technology LDA (Portugal)
  • Robotnik Automation SLL (Spain)
  • Oulun Yliopisto (Finland)
  • Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom)
  • Hensoldt sensors GMBH (Germany)
  • Ingenieria de sistemas para la defensa de Espana SA-SME MP (Spain)
  • Decodio AG (Switzerland)
  • Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH (Germany)


Big Data Analytics, Detection Technologies, Smart Border control, Smart Border management - A Platform for Monitoring and Prediction of Social Impact and Acceptability of Modern Border Control Technology


Call: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020
Topic: SU-BES01-2019: “Human factors, and social, societal, and organisational aspects of border and external security”
Type: RIA
References: Grant Agreement No. 883075
Duration: Set 2020 – Ago 2023 (36 months)
Total Budget: € 4.997.481,25
ReFunding: € 470.000,00
Role: System Integrator; Technological Provider
Website: https://meticos-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticos-eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeticosEU
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meticos.eu/

Details and Information

METICOS project

METICOS aims to introduce Big Data Analysis of border control information systems, in order to provide a step-change towards more modern and efficient Smart Border management and towards gaining societal and political acceptance of modern control technologies of EU borders such as “no gate solutions”. It is therefore positioned as an initiative to create a real-time decision-support system with regard to different Smart Border control technologies that empowers two major stakeholder groups within the European border control sector (i.e., travellers and border control authorities & service providers) to ensure user acceptance, secure positive societal impact and maximize border control process efficiency.

To this end, the METICOS project will develop a platform that integrates information systems and networks of data sources in order to validate the efficiency and users acceptance of border control technologies like fingerprint and iris scanners. The proposed platform will provide metrics and KPIs to authorities and decision makers, based on a number of independent variables: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, physical privacy, accuracy, information privacy, ethical and societal perceptions. METICOS will be demonstrated and validated under real operating conditions. This will involve two pilot implementations executed at five different countries involving real travellers and staff.


  • Europea University Cipro (Cyprus)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
  • Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
  • Net-U Consultants Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • Siveco Romania (Romania)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • ViLabs Ltd (Greece)
  • Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung (Austria)
  • Ministry of Interior (Greece)
  • Estonian Police and Border Guard Board (Estonia)
  • Inspectoratul Teritorial al Politiei de Frontiera (Romania)
  • State Border Guard Service (United Kingdom)
  • Cipro Police (Cyprus)

Search & Rescue

Crisis Management, People Rescue, Technologies for First Responders - Emerging Technologies for Early Location of Entrapped Victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for Risk Assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations


Call: H2020-SU-SEC-2018-2019-2020
Topic: SU-DRS02-2019: “Technologies for First Responders”
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 882897
Duration: Lug 2020 – Giu 2023 (36 months)
Budget: € 7.890.585,00
ReFunding: € 299.375,00
Role: System Integrator
Website: https://search-and-rescue.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/search-and-rescue-project-6b75621b4/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaR_H2020

Details and Information


The Search and Rescue project will design, implement and test through a series of large scale pilot scenarios a highly interoperable, modular open architecture platform for first responders capitalising on expertise and technological infrastructure from both COncORDE and IMPRESS FP7 projects. The governance model of Search and Rescue will be designed to operate more effectively and its architectural structure will allow to easily incorporate next generation R&D and COTS solutions which will be possibly adopted in the future disaster management systems. The Model will also support a unified vision of the EU role and will provide a common framework to assess needs and integrate responses. The framework will enable supportive approach using a wider range of decisional support features and monitoring systems and will also give to first responders an effective and unified vision of (a) the dynamic changes going on during event’s lifetime and (b) the capabilities and resources currently deployed in the field.


  • National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
  • Konnektable Solutions Ltd. (Ireland)
  • Aideas Ou (Estonia)
  • Siveco Romania (Romania)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Thales Italia S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Atos IT Solutions and Services Iberia S.A. (Spain)
  • Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (Greece)
  • German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (Germany)
  • Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy)
  • Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)
  • University of Hasselt (Belgium)


  • Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium)
  • University of Social Sciences (Poland)
  • Synyo GmbH (Austria)
  • Ubitech Limited (Greece)
  • REGNO UNITOeMED Global Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • Public Safety Communication Europe Forum (Belgium)
  • Hellenic Rescue Team (Greece)
  • Hellenic Fire Corps (Greece)
  • Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (Germany)
  • Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung GmbH (Austria)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
  • Pompiers de l’Urgence Internationale (France)
  • Servicio Madrileno de Salud (Spain)
  • Search and Rescue Dogs School (Spain)
  • Romanian Cluster PROECO-CBRNE (Romania)



Urban design, climate, neutrality, Mission, decarbonisation, sustainability, justice, climate resilience, equity
Urban design, climate, neutrality, Mission, decarbonisation, sustainability, justice, climate resilience, equity


Call: HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02
Topic: Urban planning and design for just, sustainable, resilient and climate-neutral cities by 2030
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101096405
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: € 11.956.686,00
Funding Maggioli: € 192.938,00
Role: Data Governance expert; Software for PA expert
Website: https://up2030-he.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/up2030-he/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UP2030_HE

Details and Information

UP2030 project

UP2030 aims to guide cities through the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality ambitions. It will do so by enabling a quantum leap from a ´business as usual´, project-by-project decarbonisation approach to a vision-driven, strategy-based approach that is anchored on sound projects and renewed policy development.

The approach uses urban planning and design as a vehicle to create better connected, more compact, net-zero neighbourhoods in the city pilots – i.e. neighbourhoods that promote liveability and, through designing with intent, promote mitigation action. Unlike fragmented innovation processes that focus on the deployment of a specific solution to achieve incremental progress, UP2030 proposes that cities should themselves be at the centre of the innovation approach to drive transformative change.

The project develops the 5UP methodological framework that supports cities in:

  • UP-dating those policies, codes, regulations that need to be left behind to make room for the new vision;
  • UP-skilling, through building the capacities of the entire city stakeholder ecosystem that shall deliver actions;
  • UP-grading, through the development of solution prototypes (digital and physical) at selected neighbourhoods; 
  • UP-scaling to achieve city-wide impact by shaping the enabling governance arrangements and matching project portfolios to financial resources;
  • UP-taking, by engaging with the Mission and sharing best practices across European cities. Inclusive participation is key throughout the project’s full cycle of activities so that real needs of communities are reflected in the city-specific visions, and co-designed interventions maximise delivery of co-benefits. As such, UP2030 will (a) have a measured positive impact on spatial justice in the pilots, and (b) give the opportunity to citizens to participate in the transition by becoming agents of change themselves through their sustainable behavioural shifts.


  • Fraunhofer (Germany)
  • Adelphi (Germany)
  • Buro (Germany)
  • Design Clips (Greece)
  • GreenAdapt (Germany)
  • I-CATALIST (Spain)
  • Stichting Isocarp Institute (Nederland)
  • Thomas Stellmach (Germany)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft (Nederland)
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Spain)
  • Global Green Growth Institute (Croatia)
  • Iclei European Secretariat (Germany)
  • Stichting Global Resilient Cities Network (Nederland)
  • Urban Climate Change Research Network (Italy)
  • Aquatec Proyectos para el Sector del Agua (Spain)
  • CETAQUA (Spain)
  • Pravo I Internet Foundation (Bulgaria)
  • Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (Portugal)
  • Anaptyxiaki Meizonos (Greece)
  • Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
  • Mapping For Change (United Kingdom)


  • University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
  • University of Stuttgart (Germany)
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
  • Ethniko Kentro (Greece)
  • Fundacion Circe (Spain)
  • Stichting Deltares (Nederland)
  • Draxis Environmental (Greece)
  • ODTU Turkey, 30 K3Y (Bulgaria)
  • Fondazione Links (Italy)
  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
  • Vesela Motika (Croatia)
  • Belfast City Council (United Kingdom)
  • Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata (Hungary)
  • Ajuntament de Granollers (Spain)
  • Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Turkey)
  • Camara Municipal de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Lisboa E-Nova (Portugal)
  • Comune di Milano (Italy)
  • Stadt Munster (Germany)
  • Gemeente Rotterdam (Nederland)
  • Dimos Thessalonikis (Greece)
  • Grad Zagreb (Croatia)


Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance fostering Democratic Values
Trusted AI for Transparent Public Governance fostering Democratic Values


Topic: Artificial intelligence, big data and democracy
Type: RIA
Refference: Grant Agreement n, 101094905
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: € 3.000.000,00
Funding Maggioli: € 408.750,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technology developer
Website: https://ai4gov-project.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ai4gov-project/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ai4gov_project

Details and Information

AI4Gov project

AI4Gov is a joint effort of policy makers, public institutions / organizations, legal, Social Science and Humanities and Big Data/AI experts to unveil the potentials of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data technologies for developing evidence-based innovations, policies, and policy recommendations to harness the public sphere, political power, and economic power for democratic purposes. The project will also uphold fundamental rights and values standards of individuals when using AI and Big Data technologies. Hence, the project aims to contribute to the promising research landscape that seeks to address ethical, trust, discrimination, and bias issues by providing an in-depth analysis and solutions addressing the challenges that various stakeholders in modern democracies are faced with when attempts are made to mitigate the negative implications of Big Data and AI.

In this direction, the project will introduce solutions and frameworks towards a two-fold sense, to facilitate policymakers on the development of automated, educated and evidence-based decisions and to increase the trust of citizens in the democratic processes and institutions. Moreover, the project will leverage the capabilities of state-of-the-art tools for providing un-bias, discrimination-free, fair, and trusted AI. These tools will be validated in terms of their ability to provide technical and/or organisational measures, causal models for bias and discrimination, and standardized methodologies for achieving fairness in AI.


  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Siemens (Romania)
  • IBM (Israel)
  • UBITECH (Cyprus)
  • VILABS (Cyprus)
  • University of Piraeus (Greece)
  • Institut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia)
  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)
  • Comune di Genova (Italy)
  • Ministry of Tourism (Greece)
  • Dimos Varis - Voulas – Vouliagmenis (Greece)
  • White Label Consultancy (Denmark)


Cloud Computing, Crowdsourcing, open data, Opinion Mining, Policy Modelling, Public services, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media - Policy Management through Technologies Across the Complete Data Lifecycle on Cloud Environments


Call: H2020-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2018-2019-2020
Topic: DT-GOVERNANCE-12-2019-2020: “Pilot on using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations ”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 870675
Duration: Gen 2020 – Dic 2022 (36 months)
Budget: € 5.251.482,50
ReFunding: € 416.500,00
Role: System Integrator; Technological Provider; Innovation Manager; Demonstrator;
Website: https://policycloud.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/policycloudeu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolicyCloudEU

Details and Information

PolicyCLOUD project

PolicyCLOUD delivers a unique integrated environment addressing the full lifecycle of policy management: modelling, monitoring, enforcing, simulation, analysis and compliance. The environment will utilize the capabilities offered by the European Cloud Initiative, with an emphasis on data analysis to facilitate evidence-based policy making. The co-creation of multi-modal policies will follow an innovative modelling process for structural representation of schema-based policies.

PolicyCLOUD environment will integrate a set of reusable models and tools, ranging from social dynamics and behaviour analysis, to situational knowledge acquisition, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, complemented with tools for data aggregation, linking and cleaning. Citizen participation will be ensured exploiting techniques for incentives management and a Living Lab approach put forward by the project. A toolkit which allows the specification of transferable and re-usable analytics tasks in a declarative way, their integration in the policies management path, as well as an adaptive visualization environment, will realize PolicyCLOUD’s vision of openness and extensibility.


  • Atos SA (Spain)
  • IBM Science and Technology Ltd. (Israel)
  • EGI Advanced Computing Services (Netherlands)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • LeanXcale Sl (Spain)
  • Ubitech Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • Okys Ltd. (Bulgaria)
  • Trust-IT Services Ltd. (United Kingdom)
  • DWF Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft (Germany)
  • University of Piraeus Research Centre (Greece)
  • Istituto Tecnologico de Aragon (Spain)
  • Sociedad Aragonesa de Gestión Agroambiental (Spain)
  • London Borough of Camden (United Kingdom)
  • Municipality of Sofia (Bulgaria)



Future wireless networks, mm-wave, sub-Terahertz frequencies, metamaterials, artifical intelligence, neural networks


Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01
Topic: IHORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01-01: “MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022”
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 101131342
Duration: 48 mesi
Budget: € 731.400,00
Funding: € 23.000,00
Role: Technology Provider; Implementation Expert; Smart City Applications Expert
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.
Twitter: t.b.d.
Facebook: t.b.d.

Details and Information

6G-ICARUS project

In the context of modern technologies, the transition to 6G network faces numerous challenges, therefore, novel solutions must be discovered, combined, and tested in order to achieve distributed smart connectivity, imperceptible latency, virtually infinite capacity, improved security/privacy, smart/adaptive networking, and energy efficiency. The 6G-ICARUS project will investigate, combine, and improve on current technologies in order to address numerous obstacles that 6G networks will face in order to define the future wireless networks (FWNs).

6G-ICARUS is focused on FWNs capable of meeting a variety of targets, resulting in better geographic coverage, particularly in urban areas, higher transmission rates, lower latency, provision of diverse services, processing of information generated from a massive volume of heterogeneous sources, inherent resilience to counter potential security threats, and making intelligent decisions.

6GICARUSis founded on three pillars: (i) Effective utilisation of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces suitably controlled by artificial intelligence software; (ii) Channel modelling for mmWave/subTHz communications; (iii) Multi-connectivity solutions for 6G mobile communications.

The project will generate novel research results as well as novel original hardware supported by innovative software (techniques, algorithms) based mostly on machine learning and deep learning. Hardware and software will be combined and examined in real-world settings to fulfil certain situations, all of which are matched with real-world applications. There will be separate Proof of Concept studies to validate the technologies and methodologies under consideration.


  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Grecia)
  • The University of Birmingham (Regno Unito)
  • University of Huddersfield (Regno Unito)
  • Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucuresti (Romania)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Acceligence LTD (Cipro)
  • Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Singularlogic Anonymi Etaireia Pliroforiakon Systematon Kai Efarmogonpliroforikis (Grecia)
  • Sofia Tech Park JSC (Belgio)
  • Aarhus Universitet (Danimarca)
  • Organismos Tilepikoinonion Tis Ellados OTE AE (Grecia)
  • Trustees of Princeton University (U.S.)
  • San Diego State University Foundation (U.S.)
  • The University Of Texas System (U.S.)
  • Texas A&M University System (U.S.)
  • Universidade Federal de Paraiba (Brasile)
  • Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia da Paraiba – Campus Campina Grande (Brasile)
  • Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro (Brasile)
  • Innovative Drone Solutions Pty LD (Australia)
  • Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited (Regno Unito)
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germania)


5G, Industry 4.0, Multi-Cloud Orchestration, NetApp, Network Programmability - Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of Vertical Industries in 5G era and beyond


Call: H2020-ICT-2020-2
Topic: ICT-41-2020: “5G innovations for verticals with third party services ”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 101016608
Duration: Gen 2021 – Dic 2023 (36 months)
Budget: € 7,997,562.50
ReFounding: € 302.750,00
Role: System Integrator, Technological Provider
Website: https://evolved-5g.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/evolved-5g-project
Twitter: https://twitter.com/evolved5g
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/evolved5g

Details and Information

EVOLVED-5G project

The intense ongoing work towards 5G readiness has reached the point where the performance gains provided by 5G infrastructures should be exploited by third party innovators and SMEs, to create a new, open and dynamic ecosystem from both technology and marketing perspectives. Towards the materialization of the 5G performance gains at application and market level, key contributions are expected by the domain of design and development of Network Application (NetApp). In this context, EVOLVED-5G endorses the vision where the world of NetApps follows the paradigm of mobile applications hosted in a related market place.

Moreover, the EVOLVED-5G project will contribute towards the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. Recognized as one of the major vertical industries by 5G-PPP (referring to the digital evolving of workspaces), Industry 4.0 brings innovative use cases, yet technologically challenging, and create a fertile environment for SME-driven entrepreneurship, where new use case-tailored functions (as NetApps) can be provided to compose a digitalized, secure, and automated generation of the industrial operations (mainly referring to functions for process and machine control as well as procedures for advanced product lifecycle management). The industry-oriented EVOLVED-5G NetApps will be tested, validated, and certified in a vendor-agnostic experimentation platform, and progressively define the first set of NetApps that the EVOLVED-5G marketplace will host.


  • Telefonica I + D SA (Spain)
  • National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (Greece)
  • Maggioli SpA (Italy)
  • Atos IT Solutions and Services SL (Spain)
  • Intrasoft International SA (Luxembourg)
  • Cosmote Mobile Telecommunications SA (Greece)
  • Lenovo GmbH (Germany)
  • Impact Entrepreneurship Award Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Universitad de Malaga (Spain)
  • Universitad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
  • GMi Aero SAS (France)
  • Internet Institute (Slovenia)
  • Cafatech (estonia)
  • InQbit Innovations SRL (Romania)
  • Fogus Innovations and Services PC (Greece)
  • Infolysis PC (Greece)
  • Eight bells Ltd (Cyprus)
  • PAL Robotics (Spain)
  • Quocomm PC (Greece)
  • Immersion (France)
  • Unmanned System OU (Estonia)


5G, Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Service Providers, Programmability. MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems.


Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 861219
Duration: Nov 2019 – Gen 2025 (63 months)
Budget: € 3.979.000,62
Funding: € 243.017,46
Role: Machine learning • Network prediction algorithms
Website: www.motor5g.eu/home 
Twitter: twitter.com/motor5g

Details and Information

Motor-5G project

The main objective of the project Motor-5G is to motivate and skill competitive young researchers through involvement and engagement in a variety of research activities enabling them to work on real-life technical issues, across multiple European countries and organizations, and providing a strong networking opportunity through participation as speakers in conference and workshop events and through engagement with industry and other stakeholders (e.g., standardization). We also want to provide them with communications skills, the ability to work in groups and an understanding of the integrity and ethics in research.

The project focus is on embedding artificial intelligence into 5G communication systems for the smarter use of network-generated data, the automated enabling of network operators and service providers to adapt to changes in traffic patterns, security risks and user behavior and thus paving the way towards safe and reliable next-generation wireless ecosystems.

The project considers aspects such as use of drone-based technology for enhanced multi-antenna and data forwarding techniques, use of artificial intelligence for novel adaptive digital beamforming techniques applied on realistic antenna arrays; communications in the millimetre-wave bands, blockchain-based approach to spectrum management and sharing, use of machine learning for enhanced quality of experience, and would in parallel focus on novel business models to sustain profitable operation of beyond 5G ecosystems. The research team would comprise young researches supervised by committed experts from the industry and academia to advance the state of the art in the above areas. Three demonstration scenarios have been


  • Aarhus Universitet (Coordinator)
  • University of Huddersfield
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Universitatea Politehnica din Bucaresti
  • Technical University of Sofia
  • Mydefence Communication APS
  • Iquadrat Informatica SL
  • Singularlogic S.A.
  • Maggioli Spa

Augmented Reality


Introducing Augmented Reality in the VET sector with a focus on the Automotive Engineering sector
Augmented Reality


Programme: Erasmus+
Type: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Call: 2023
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101070521
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 400.000,00
Funding: € 55.000,00
Role: ICT Expert; Technology Provider; Platform Design and Testing; WP4 Leader
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin: t.b.d.


Il progetto DigiGear

DigiGEAR introduces augmented reality (AR) technologies into the VET sector, with a focus on the Automotive Engineering industries, focusing on the industry gaps and the emerging skills of the sector. We aim to provide an innovative and engaging learning experience, while also addressing the skills gap and digital transformation needs of the industries.

The use of AR technologies in education has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many car manufacturers, including Volkswagen, Audi, and BMW, have made use of AR scenarios in their training programs, which have shown improved learning outcomes and engagement as indicated by MDPI – Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute on the Annual Report named after Augmented and AR senarios (AR) for Education and Training in the AEC Industry: A Systematic Review of Research and Applications. As highlighted, by introducing these technologies into the VET sector, we believe we can provide learners with a more immersive learning experience that will help them to acquire technical skills more effectively, and thus indicating the demand in exploring new ways of teaching reform through AR technologies.

The Automotive Engineering industries are facing significant skills shortages and digital transformation challenges as indicated by Behzadan on V.R. Enabling discovery-based learning using telepresent augmented reality. By equipping learners with the digital and technical knowledge they need, we can help build a more resilient and competitive workforce. AR provides a risk-free environment for learning by simulating an actual environment. AR literacy aims to help students visualize and understand complex spatial arrangements, which usually deform or move under external actions. Additionally, visual-aided design tools are beneficial for enhancing the learning ability of students for interior and exterior activity as well as making appropriate design decisions, as teaching contents are well visualized using AR-based teaching aids. The project has the potential to make a significant impact in the VET sector introducing the AR platform as a complement to the traditional classroom-based training. It could also be used by employers to provide on-the-job training to new employees, or by individuals looking to develop their technical skills outside of a formal education setting.


  • The Way S.r.l. Società Benefit (Italia)
  • Akmi Anonimi Ekpaideftiki Etairia (Grecia)
  • Europaischer Verband Beruflicher Bildungstrager (EVBB) (Germania)
  • Newport Group, a.s. (Slovacchia)
  • BK Consult GmbH (Germania)
  • Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Portogallo)
  • Göteborgs Tekniska College AB (Svezia)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)


Integrated platforms and systems and Human Factors
Realtà aumentata


Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-22
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101135963
Duration: 36 mesi
Budget: € 5.933.129,25
Funding: € 365.750,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technology Provider; Quality and Risk Management
Linkedin: t.b.d.



XR has the potential to revolutionize various industrial sectors by offering more engaging, secure, and inclusive training and assistance for complex tasks thus enabling more people to acquire the skills required to perform such tasks. However, the creation of such XR experiences is still overly complex, time consuming, and expensive thus blocking their wide adoption in industrial sectors that do not have the necessary expertise nor the resources to create and deploy them.

The main objective of MOTIVATE XR is to create a world’s leading XR collaborative authoring, publishing, and experiencing tool suite for training and assistance to industrial operations such as the assembly, manufacturing, maintenance, and dismantlement, of industrial goods. This ground-breaking, open, tightly integrated, and highly interoperable solution will be designed for, and usable by a wide range of users without programming skills, from the largest European industrials to handymen, without requiring software development skills.

It will offer an end-to-end solution to streamline the whole authoring and experiencing workflow thanks to novel portable 3D scanning and digital twin modelling solutions, No-Code authoring approaches and ground-breaking XR experiencing tools, including a next-gen European XR smart headset, all assisted by the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It will then evaluate its result in five complementary and ambitious pilots in different industrial sectors including aerospace, home appliance, aluminium, electric distribution, and hybrid human-robot industries. For this purpose, our project will involve a complementary group of the best-in-class European experts and leading industries adopting a user-centric methodology coordinated by an SSH expert to ensure proper consideration of societal, ethical, and legal issues and ethical use of XR and AI technologies.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • CS Group France (Francia)
  • Consultoria de Telecomunicaciones Optiva Media SLU (Spagna)
  • Sopra Steria Group (Francia)
  • F6S Network Ireland Limited (Irlanda)
  • Youbiquo Srl (Italia)
  • D-Cube Private Company (Grecia)
  • 2Freedom Imaging Software and Hardware S.L. (Spagna)
  • Centro di Ricerche Europeo di Tecnologie Design e Materiali (Italia)
  • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spagna)
  • Technische Universiteit Delft (Paesi Bassi)
  • Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spagna)
  • Hisense Gorenje Europe Poslovne Storitve Doo (Slovenia)
  • Aerospace Valley (Francia)
  • Building Systems Innovation Centre Private Company (Grecia)
  • BI-Rex-Big Data Innovation Research Excellence (Italia)
  • Diacheiristis Ellinikou Diktyou Dianomis Elektrikis Energeias AE (Grecia)
  • Aerocampus Acquitaine (Francia)


Metaverse, virtual worlds, web 4.0, business value, societal implications, ecosystems
Augmented Reality


Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01
Argomento: MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022
Ref: Grant Agreement n. 101119937
Durata: 48 mesi
Budget: € 3.950.927,98
Fondi: € 518.875,20
Ruolo: Technology Provider; Product Innovation; Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Expert; WP6 Leader
Website: https://agora-mariecurie.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/agora-eu-project/


AGORA project

The AGORA project is a research and educational programme of doctoral studies which aims to train the next generation of Metaverse researchers and practitioners who will be able to address the ecosystem challenges identified, and co-create new knowledge and solutions across sectors and industries. This is possible thanks to the close collaboration between academic and non-academic beneficiaries and associated partners, that promises to lead to superior understanding and potential, drawing from academic excellence and hands on industrial insights. The AGORA research components will set the theoretical framework and the research path for going beyond the technical understanding of the Metaverse to explore its business and social value and address potential unintended consequences within the broader societal context. The project’s high-level conceptual framework depicts the complexity of the Metaverse ecosystem where we show how requirements and challenges across three pillars, namely users, technology, and businesses, are in practice intertwined, thus highlighting the need for taking an integrated, ecosystem-focused approach on this phenomenon.

AGORA encapsulates a cross-level approach aiming to a mutual understanding of Metaverses’ value for businesses, policy makers, software developers, business incubators, intermediaries, users and market actors. Therefore, the AGORA project has significant potential for supporting the careers and personal development of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), and for strengthening the EU’s competitiveness in a highly impactful domain that is the Metaverse. In light of the fierce competition in the metaverse space for talent, the AGORA programme will ensure that European companies, research centres, policy makers and other stakeholders have access to such talent and thus support the European ambition for sovereignty in this industry.


  • Edex – Educational Excellence Corporation Limited (Cipro)
  • The University of Sheffield (Regno Unito)
  • Audencia (Francia)
  • Athens University of Economics and Business – Property Management & Development (Grecia)
  • Innov-Acts Limited (Cipro)
  • Universitetet I Agder (Norvegia)
  • Maggioli (Italia)
Associated partners
  •  UAB Metis Baltic (Lituania)
  • Collegelink IKE (Grecia)
  • Unparallel Innovation LDA (Portogallo)
  • Aegis Research GmbH (Germania)
  • Future Intelligence LTD (Regno Unito)


VOX: Voice driven interaction in XR spaces
Augmented Reality


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-13
Topic: eXtended Reality Modelling
Type: RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101070521
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: € 4.786.875,00
Funding Maggioli​: € 1.483.750,00
Role: Project Coordinator; WP1 Leader; WP6 Leader; WP8 Leader


VOXReality project

VOX is an ambitious project whose goal will be to facilitate and exploit the convergence of two important technologies, natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV). Both technologies are experiencing a huge performance increase due to the emergence of data-driven methods, specifically machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). On the one hand, CV/ML are driving the extended reality (XR) revolution beyond what was possible up to now, and, on the other, speech-based interfaces and text-based content understanding are revolutionising human-machine and human-human interaction.

VOX will employ an economical approach to combine these two. VOX will pursue the integration of language- and vision-based AI models with either unidirectional or bidirectional exchanges between the two modalities. Vision systems drive both AR and VR, while language understanding adds a natural way for humans to interact with the back-ends of XR systems or create multimodal XR experiences combining vision and sound.

The results of the project will be twofold:

  • a set of pretrained next-generation XR models combining, in various levels and ways, language and vision AI and enabling richer, more natural immersive experiences that are expected to boost XR adoption;
  • a set of applications using these models to demonstrate innovations in various sectors.
The above technologies will be validated through three use cases:
  • Personal Assistants that are an emerging type of digital technology that seeks to support humans in their daily tasks, with their core functionalities related to human-to-machine interaction;
  • Virtual Conferences that are completely hosted and run online, typically using a virtual conferencing platform that sets up a shared virtual environment, allowing their attendees to view or participate from anywhere in the world;
  • Theaters where VOX will combine language translation, audiovisual user associations and AR VFX triggered by predetermined speech.


  • Maggioli (Italy)
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas (Greece)
  • Maastricht University (Nederland)
  • Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten (Nederland)
  • Synelixis Greece, 6 Stichting Dutch Virtual Reality Days (Nederland)
  • Adapt (Greece)
  • F6S Network (Ireland)
  • Holo-Industrie 4.0 Software (Germany)
  • Elliniko Festival Anonymos Etaireia (Greece)


Leveraging the European XR industry technologies to empower immersive learning and training
Augmented Reality


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-01-19
Topyc: eXtended Reality Learning - Engage and Interact
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101092851
Duration: 42 months
Budget: € 6.998.568,75
Founding Maggioli: € 396.156,00
Role: Task Leader; System Integrator
Website: https://xr2learn.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/xr2learn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xr2learn_eu


XR2Learn project

XR2Learn will deliver the XR2Learn platform around which it establishes a cross-border innovation community for XR in learning, bringing XR technology providers, application designers, education experts, application developers, end-users and decision makers in direct access to communicate, collaborate and matchmake interests enabling also bottom up innovation creation. XR2Learn will go beyond offering sound technical and business support for the creation of XR applications for education: XR2Learn will provide access to authoring tools for development of applications through its platform, deliver tools for emotion/affect detection and for automated adaptation of the learning experience to the user needs and emotions, deliver guidance relevant to educational design and use case definition, provide opportunities for piloting and user testing mediated by the large networks brought by XR2Learn partners, promote tools that enable and boost the re-use and sharing of the learning materials/XR applications, offer business development support and additionally, support IPR management through NFTs enabling novel business model implementation. XR2Learn will support innovators (ICT-SMEs) all the way from ideation to commercialisation offering them tailored business and technical support as well as direct funding through FSTPs.


  • CNIT (Italia)
  • F6s Network (Irlanda)
  • Maggioli (Italia)
  • Synelixis (Grecia)
  • Light and Shadows (Francia)
  • Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)
  • Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands)
  • Hellenic Open University (Grecia)
  • Vereniging Van European Distance Teaching Universities (Netherlands)
  • Eit Manufacturing South (Italia)


Assistive Technologies, Cultural Heritage, Extended Reality, Firefighters, First Responders, Multi-user Interaction, Training, Virtual reality - A Hybrid (Physical-Digital) Multi-User Extended Reality Platform as a Stimulus for Industry Uptake of Interactive Technologies
Augmented Reality


Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2019-2020
Topic: SU-ICT-55-2019: “Interactive Technologies”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 952043
Fix duration field: Oct 2020 – Mar 2023 (30 months)
Budget: € 2.549.218,75
ReFunding: € 349.563,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technological Provider; Exploitation Manager
Website: www.bridges-horizon.eu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bridges-horizon2020
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BridgesHorizon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bridges.horizon

Details and Information

BRIDGES project

BRIDGES aims to support and boost the pan-European interactive technologies industry and contribute to “bridging” the gap between interactive technologies and industry, through the development of a holistic solution for (remote and co-located) group interaction in room-scale immersive mixed reality (or eXtended Reality – XR) environments that blend the physical and virtual space. The BRIDGES solution is based on an existing platform, the Immersive Deck, which will be further researched and developed into a turn-key product with widespread applicability that may act as a stimulus for the uptake of interactive technologies by industry.

BRIDGES will focus on the areas of training and informal learning, culture, and entertainment, as it is widely recognized that immersive XR is an extremely promising tool for the enhancement of a user’s experience in these areas, and an optimal medium for achieving enhanced performance, engagement, a high level of effectiveness, and the transfer of skills and knowledge into the real world. To ensure widespread uptake, within BRIDGES, we will be carrying out extensive and comprehensive studies to validate the proposed solution “in-the-wild”, i.e. in the real world settings of major international airports in Germany and Greece for training firefighters and first responders, and in a highly visited informal educational and cultural center – museum in Greece, for enhancing the learning and recreational experience of visitors. The extensive validation effort undertaken by BRIDGES is expected to lead to the short-term commercial deployment of the BRIDGES end-results in the specific domains addressed by the project pilots, but also to provide replicability recommendations and scale-up guidelines for deploying the resulting XR platform in other industrial and entertainment domains, in the longer term.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Illusion Walk KG (Germany)
  • Bolt Virtual Services and Productions IKE (Greece)
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
  • Technical University Wien (Austria)
  • Fondazione Sistema Toscana (Italy)
  • Foundation of the Hellenic World (Greece)
  • Athens International Airport SA (Greece)
  • Flughafen Berlin Brandernburg GmbH (Germany)



Circular Systemic Solution, Circular Economy Transition; Digitalisation; Digital Twins; Knowledge Graphs; Twin Transition
Energia Sostenibile


Topic: Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions
Type: IA
Reference: G.A. 101135275-2
Duration: 42 mesi
Budget: € 9.799.443,75
Funding: € 605.500,00
Role: WP4 Leader; Technology Provider
Website: t.b.d.
Linkedin:  t.b.d.
Twitter:  t.b.d.
Facebook:  t.b.d.

Details and Information

CSSBOOST project

CSSBoost aims to overcome technological and non-technological CE barriers, minimise CSS application and operational risks and decisively stimulate and maximise the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Transition in any EU city/region or group of regions. To pursue this, CSSBoost develops a novel CSS Application Framework that views a CSS as a composite living entity that operates and evolves within a CE/CSS Ecosystem and Market, an open (physical) space of city, regional or multi-regional scope, encompassing an
area’s existing CE market, its value chains and its entire external environment, even extra-regional entities and markets. It also introduces the methodological concept of the CSSBoost Integrated Solution that involves the integration of one or more CSS within a digital environment, enhanced by tailored methodology and procedures.

This physical system is virtualised, monitored, analysed and assessed by developing the key CSSBoost innovation, the Virtual Regional CE/CSS Ecosystem and Market (VCEM). CSSBoost designs a set of diverse Exemplary CSSs, both as transition tools and to validate and promote its ideas by applying and demonstrating them in five city, regional and interregional Pilot Cases. The exemplary CSSs respond to different challenges, barriers, needs and feasibilities across EU and target different product value chains, as delineated in the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan (Water, Food, and Nutrients; Plastics; Batteries & Vehicles). CSSBoost develops both its innovations and pilots by applying a rigorous SotA co-creation environment and instruments and SSH methods and procedures. It also develops replication, organisational, business and exploitation plans for the uptake, replication and upscaling of its solutions, as well as education and training programs and social innovation actions.


  • Polytechneio Kritis (Grecia)
  • Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (Regno Unito)
  • Maggioli Spa (Italia)
  • Cas Software Ag (Germania)
  • Krumedia GmbH (Germania)
  • Technologiezentrum Horb GmbH & Co. KG (Germania)
  • Bwcon Research gGmbH (Germania)
  • Wirtschaftsforderung Zukunftsregionnordschwarzwald GmbH (Germania)
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italia)
  • Cicli Integrati Impianti Primari S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Fundacio Universitaria Balmes (Spagna)
  • Elliniko Mesogeiako Panepistimio (Grecia)
  • Mediterranean Agrofood Competence Center Private Company (Grecia)
  • Perifereiakh Anaptyxiakh Etaireia Krhths AE (Grecia)
  • Particle Summary (Portogallo)
  • Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, E.M., S.A. (Portogallo)
  • Adrestia Erevnitiki Idiotiki Kefalaiouxiki Etaireia (Grecia)
  • Motonious P.C. (Grecia)
  • Acceligence LTD (Cipro)
  • Social CRM Research Center e.V. (Germania)
  • Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (Belgio)


Cloud, Edge, Smart Orchestration, IoT, AI, Energy Data Spaces, Data Sharing, Sovereignty, Cybersecurity, Interoperability, Grid Resilience, Flexibility, Data-driven Energy Services, Prosumers, LECs


Call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-01
Argomento: Supporting the green and digital transformation of the energy ecosystem and enhancing its resilience through the development and piloting of AI-IoT Edge-cloud and platform solutions
Tipo: IA
Ref: G.A. 101136128
Durata: 48 mesi
Budget: € 17.929.140,60
Fondi: € 541.625,00
Ruolo: Technology Provider; Data Security and Sovereignty Expert
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/odeoneu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/odeonEU

Details and Information

ODEON project

ODEON is conceived under the main principle that the envisaged Digital and Green Transition can only be realized through the creation of an inclusive ecosystem of stakeholders characterized by the integration of a mesh of Data, Intelligence, Service and Market flows, jointly enabling the resilient operation of the energy system under increased RES integration and effective orchestration of flexibility offered by the wealth if distributed energy, building and mobility flexible assets residing at the edges of the system, across prosumers’ premises and LEC boundaries. On the Data integration side, ODEON introduces a reference Federated Energy Data Spaces implementation that will facilitate the integration of the value chain around energy data.

The ODEON Federated Energy Data Spaces will consist in de-centralized, interoperable and secure data sandboxes enabling the engagement of all value chain stakeholders in secure and trustful data sharing, that will effectively remove relevant barriers (privacy, confidentiality, cybersecurity concerns, reluctance to provide access to data silos) and allow them to successfully tackle the complexity introduced in the operation of evolving decentralized energy systems, by establishing a collective intelligence framework (Intelligence Integration) and introducing data-driven intelligence in their daily functions and operations through the utilization of the ground-breaking ODEON Data (Intelligence)-as-a-Service baseline technology offering, i.e. the ODEON Cloud-Edge Data and Intelligence Service Platform.


  • Etra Investigación y Desarrollo Sa (Spagna)
  • Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Systimaton Epikoinonion Kai Ypolgiston-EMP (Grecia)
  • Atos It Solutions And Services Iberia SL (Spagna)
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Danimarca)
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germania)
  • Gioumpitek Meleti Schediasmos Ylopoiisi Kai Polisi Ergon Pliroforikis Etaireia Periorismenis Efthynis(Grecia)
  • Ubitech Energy (Belgio)
  • Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spagna)
  • Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Limited (Cipro)
  • Intracom Sa Telecom Solutions (Grecia)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • Diacheiristis Ellinikou Diktyou Dianomis Elektrikis Energeias AE (Grecia)
  • Ies R&D (Irlanda)
  • Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya (Spagna)
  • Space Hellas Anonymi Etaireia Systimata Kai Ypiresies Tilepikoinonionpliroforikis Asfaleias – Idiotiki Epicheirisi Parochis Yperi (Grecia)
  • Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft MBH (Austria)


  • Odit-e (Francia)
  • Fundación Circe Centro De Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos (Spagna)
  • Inqbit Innovations Srl (Romania)
  • Sicae de La Somme et Du Cambraisis (Francia)
  • Cuerva Energia Slu (Spagna)
  • Vergy Community S.I. (Spagna)
  • Comharchumann Fuinnimh Oileain Arann Teoranta (Irlanda)
  • Trefor El Net Ost As (Danimarca)
  • Barbara Iot SI (Spagna)
  • Heron Single Member S.a. Energy Services (Grecia)
  • Prospex Institute (Belgio)
  • International Data Spaces Ev (Germania)
  • Logikers SL (Spagna)
  • Ewii A/s (Danimarca)
  • Arthur’s Legal Bv (Paesi Bassi)
  • Fundingbox Accelerator SP Zoo (Polonia)
  • Fundingbox Communities SL (Spagna)
  • Epl Technology Frontiers Limited (Cipro)


Shaping consumer-inclusive data pathwaYs towards the eNERGy transItion, through a reference Energy data Space implementation


Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: ICT-11-2018: “Big data solutions for energy”
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 101069839
Duration: 36 months
Budget: € 7.972.950,00
Founding: € 255.500,00
Role: Data security expert; Technology provider
Website: https://synergies-project.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/synergies-energy-data-spaces/ 
Twitter:  t.b.d.
Facebook:  t.b.d.

Details and Information


SYNERGIES introduces a reference Energy Data Space Implementation that will attempt to unleash the data-driven innovation and sharing potential across the energy data value  hain by leveraging on data and intelligence coming from diverse energy actors (prioritizing on consumers and introducing them as data owners/ providers) and coupled sectors (buildings, mobility) and effectively making them reachable and widely accessible.

In turn, it will facilitate the transition from siloed data management approaches to collaborative ones which promote the creation of a data and intelligence ecosystem around energy (and other types of) data and enable the realization of data (intelligence)-driven innovative energy services that (i) value the flexibility capacity of consumers in optimizing energy networks’ operation, maximizing RES integration and self-consumption at different levels of the system (community, building), (ii) evidently support network operators in optimally monitoring, operating, maintaining and planning their assets and coordinating between each other (TSO-DSO collaboration) for enhancing system resilience, (iii) create an inclusive pathway towards the energy transition, through consumer empowerment, awareness and informed involvement in flexibility market transactions, (iv) step on real data streams and intelligence to deliver personalized and automated features to increase prosumer acceptance and remove intrusiveness, (v) facilitate the establishment of sustainable LECs by enhancing their role with Aggregator and BSP functions, and (vi) establish solid grounds for the creation of a new economy around energy data produced and shared across a complex value chain, in a secure, trustful, fair and acceptable manner.


  • TXT E-Solutions spa (Italy)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Diachetristis Ellinikou diktyou dianomis elektrikis energeias ae (Greece)
  • Independent power transmission operator sa (Greece)
  • Entergelaki koinotita periorismenis evthinis (Greece)
  • Fundacion Circe Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos (Spain)
  • Montajes Electricos Cuerva sl (Spain)
  • Suites Data Intelligence Solutions Limited (Cyprus)
  • IES R&D (Ireland)
  • ETRA Investigacion y Desarrollo (Spain)


  • Gioumpitek meleti schediasmos ylopoiisi KM polisi ergon pliroforikis etaireia periorismenis efthynis (Greece)
  • Arthur’s Legal BV (Netherlands)
  • Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus vit OY (Finland)
  • University of Peloponnese (Greece)
  • Maggioli spa (Italiy)
  • Denmarks tekniske Universitet (Denmark)
  • Bornholms Energi og forsyning  AS (Denmark)
  • Treforel net ost AS (Denmark)
  • Prospex Institute (Belgium)
  • Entersoft Romania software srl (Romania)
  • Ayuntamento de Fornes (Spain)
  • Turning Tables sociedad limitada (Spain)


Policy making, energy efficiency, energy transition, EU islands, municipality, monitoring, capacity building


Call: LIFE-2021-CET
Reference.: 101077073
Duration: 30 months
Budget: €. 1.748.987,00
Founding: € 221.597,00
Role: System developer; WP3 Leader
Website: http://life-genera.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/genera-project/
Twitter: GeneraLifeProject (@GeneraProject) / Twitter
Facebook: GeneraProject | Facebook

Details and Information

GENERA project

This project assists public authorities in transforming the energy context of the European regions in order to facilitate a rapid transition to a decarbonized and sustainable economy. GENERA´s goal is twofold: First, to establish a framework of energy transition measures for the implementation of energy transition agendas in tourist islands municipalities, assisting them along the whole path from agenda creation to measures implementation and citizen engagement, in accordance with the EU Island Clean Energy Transition Agendas and the Covenant of Mayors. And, second, to promote the implementation of energy monitoring measures to quantify the process evolution.


  • Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
  • Global Mediterraneo s.l. (Spain)
  • Panepistimio Dytikis Attikis (Greece)
  • Comune di Stintino (Italy)
  • Istituto Tecnologico y de energias renovables s.a. (Spain)
  • Anaptyxiaki etaireia perifereias notiou aigaiou energeiaki anonymi etairia notiou aigaiou (Greece)
  • Use Efficiency Association (Italy)
  • Maggioli s.p.a. (Italy)


Big Data Value Creation within Synergetic Energy-as-a-Service Applications through Trusted Multi-Party Data Sharing over an AI / Big Data Analytics Marketplace


Call: H2020-ICT-11-2018-2020
Topic: Big data solutions for energy
Type: IA
Reference: Grant Agreement No. 872734
Fix duration field: Jan 2020 - Dec 2023 (48 months)
Total Budget: € 12.738.950,00
Funding Maggioli: € 357.875,00
Role: System Integrator, Technological Provider, Exploitation Leader
Website: www.synergyh2020.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/synergyh2020/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SYNERGYH2020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynergyH2020/ 

Details and Information

SYNERGY project

SYNERGY introduces a novel reference big data architecture and platform that leverages data, primary or secondarily related to the electricity domain, coming from diverse sources (APIs, historical data, statistics, sensors/ IoT, weather, energy markets and various other open data sources) to help electricity stakeholders to simultaneously enhance their data reach, improve their internal intelligence on electricity-related optimization functions, while getting involved in novel data (intelligence) sharing/trading models, in order to shift individual decision-making at a collective intelligence level.

To this end SYNERGY will develop a highly effective a Big Data Platform and AI Analytics Marketplace, accompanied by big data-enabled applications for the totality of electricity value chain stakeholders (altogether integrated in the SYNERGY Big Data-driven EaaS Framework). SYNERGY will be validated in 5 large-scale demonstrators, in Spain, Greece, Finland, Austria, and Croatia, involving diverse actors and data sources, heterogeneous energy assets, varied voltage levels and network conditions and spanning different climatic, demographic and cultural characteristics.


  • ETRA SA (Spain)
  • Grupo Cuerva SL (Spain)
  • Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios SA (Spain)
  • Sistemas Urbanos de Energias Renovables SL (Spain)
  • CIRCE Foundation (Spain)
  • Aegean Energy Agency (Greece)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece)
  • Independent Power Trasmission Operator SA (Greece)
  • Attiki Gas Supply Company (Greece)
  • Forum Virium Helsinki (Finland)
  • VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland)


  • Caverion Suomi Oy (Finland)
  • Energie Gussing GmbH (Austria)
  • European Centre for Renewable Energy (Austria)
  • Energy Services Handels (Austria)
  • Ponikve D.o.o (Croatia)
  • Koncar d.d. (Croatia)
  • Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Ltd. (Cyprus)
  • UBITECH Ubiquitos Solutions (Greece)
  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Geco Global Ivs (Denmark)
  • University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
  • Elin Verd SA (Greece)
  • Knowledgebiz Consulting (Portugal)

Environmental Protection


A Holistic Fire Management Ecosystem for Prevention, Detection and Restoration of Environmental Disasters
Environmental Protection


Call: H2020-LC-GD-2020
Topic: LC-GD-1-1-2020: “Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means”
Type: IA
Ref: Grant Agreement No. 101036926
Duration: Dic 2021 - Mag 2025 (42 months)
Budget: € 22 918 035,01
Funding: € 339.875,00
Role: System Integrator, Technological Provider, WP7 Leader
Website: https://treeads-project.eu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TREEADSH2020/
Facebook: https://www.linkedin.com/company/treeads-h2020/

Details and Information

TREEADS project

TREEADS aims to build upon state-of-the-art high TRL products and unite them in a holistic Fire Management platform that optimize and reuse per phase the available Socio-technological Resources in all three main phases of Wildfires. For the prevention and preparedness TREEADS propose the use of a real-time risk evaluation tool that can receive multiple classification inputs and work with a new proposed neural network-powered Risk factor indicator. To create a model of Fire adapted communities (FAC) in parallel to insurance incentives, TREEADS will use alkali activated construction materials (AAM) integrating post-wildfires wood ashes (PWA) for fire-resilient buildings and infrastructure.

TREEADS also uses a variety of technological solutions such as the Copernicus infrastructure, and a swarm of small drones customized for accurate forest supervision. In the area of Detection TREEADS propose a variety of toolsets that will accommodate most needs. Stemming from Virtual reality for the training, wearables for the protective equipment of the emergency responders. to UAV (drones), UAG and airships for improving capacity in temporal and spatial analysis as well as to increase the inspected area coverage.. Last, TREEADS will build a new land and field-based restoration initiative that will use all modern techniques such as agroforestry, drones for seed spread, Internet of things sensors that will be able to adapt the seeding process based on the ground needs and on the same time with the help of AI to determine post-fire risks factors. TREEADS solution will be demonstrated and validated under real operating conditions. Demonstration will involve Eight complex pilot implementations executed in seven EU countries and in Taiwan.


  • Rise Fire Research AS (Norway)
  • Jotne EPM Technology AS (Norway)
  • Bundesanstalt fuer materialforschung und -pruefung (Germany)
  • Altran Innovacion SL (Spain)
  • Drone Hopper SL (Spain)
  • Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
  • Squaredev (Belgium)
  • Fundacion Cartif (Spain)
  • Universitat de Girona (Spain)
  • National center for scientific research "DEMOKRITOS" (Greece)
  • Software Imagination & Vision SRL (Romania)
  • Otto-von-Guerike-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)
  • Adrestia erevnitiki idiotiki kefalaiouxiki etaireia (Greece)
  • Ethniko kentro erevnas kai technologikis anaptyxis (Greece)
  • Eight Bells LTD (Cyprus)
  • Acceligence LTD (Cyprus)
  • Innov-acts LTD (Cyprus)
  • Frontier Innovations OE (Greece)
  • Air Worldwide LIMITED (United Kingdom)
  • Global Biodesign Scomm (Belgium)
  • Engineers for business ipiresies technologias kai michanikis anonimi etairia (Greece)
  • Lietuvos agrariniu ir misku mokslu centras (Lituania)
  • Schmitz One Seven GmbH (Germany)
  • Trelleborg Offshore Norway AS (Norway)
  • Woodify AS (Norway)
  • Copenhagen business school (Denmark)
  • K3Y (Bulgaria)


  • Maggioli spa (Italy)
  • Ethiko asteroskopeio Athinon (Greece)
  • Ministerul Mediului, Apelor si Padurilor (Romania)
  • Romanian Forestry Association - ASFOR (Romania)
  • Fundatia pentru SMURD (Romania)
  • Johanniter osterreich ausbildung und forschung gemeinnutzige (Austria)
  • Disaster competence network Austria (Austria)
  • Feischl Richard (Austria)
  • Freiwillige feuerwehr gumpoldskirchen (Austria)
  • Disputacion de Avila (Spain)
  • Sviluppo tecnologie e ricerca per l’edilizia sismicamente sicura ed ecosostenibile Scarl (Italy)
  • ACaMIR - Agenzia Campana Mobilità Infrastrutture e Reti (Italy)
  • Comune di Sorrento (Italy)
  • Pompiers de l’urgence internationale (France)
  • Federacion de asociaciones forestales de Castilla y Leon (Spain)
  • Stadt Graz (Austria)
  • Polytechneio Kritis (Greece)
  • Mediterranean agronomic institute of Chania (Greece)
  • Decentralized Administration of Crete (Greece)
  • National Taiwan university of science and technology (Taiwan)

Education and Training


Digital Skills, Education, Training, Forecast, AI, Cloud
Education and Training


Topyc: Advanced Digital Skills Analysis
References: Grant Agreement n. 101083805
Duration:  18 months
Budget: € 2.000.000,00
Founding: € 143.059,00
Role: WP2 Leader; Technology provider
Website: https://advancedskills.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leads-project/  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalSkillsEU 

Details and Information

LeADs project

The overall goal of leADS is to provide insights into the changing advanced digital skills (ADS) demands within a dynamic technological development context and current digital transformation to equip skills suppliers (education and training) with the knowledge, guidance and best practices to shape the future of European ADS talent and support the effective implementation and collaborative success of the ADS programme within the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). leADS will act across three key areas within which it will develop key knowledge (ADS Demand Report, ADS Gap Analysis) and insights that will be translated into actions and guidance (ADS Guidelines, ADS Roadmap) through active engagement with the broader education and training community and the SPECIALISED cohort of projects through deficaded topic groups (Impact Analysis, DIGITAL ADS Recommendations) directly connecting them with the skills ecosystem (Supply, Demand Generators, Demand).


  • BLUSPECS (Spagna)
  • Maggioli (Italia)
  • IDC (Italia)
  • Martel Innovate (Paesi Bassi)
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spagna)
  • College of Trinity Dublin (Irlanda)
  • Syddansk Universitet (Denmark)
  • Data AI and Robotics Dairo (Belgio)
  • Alliance for IoT (Belgio)

Artificial Intelligence


European Lighthouse to Manifest Trustworthy and Green AI
Artificial Intelligence


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02
Topic: European Network of AI Excellence Centres: Expanding the European AI lighthouse
Type:  RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101120657
Duration:  36 mesi
Budget: € 11.487.793,70
Funding: € 211.562,50
Role: WP7 Leader; Data Management Expert; Implementation of IPR Strategy
Website: https://www.enfield-project.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/horizon-enfield/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HorizonEnfield

Details and Information

ENFIELD project

ENFIELD will create a unique European Centre of Excellence that excels the fundamental research in the pillars of Adaptive, Green, Human-Centric, and Trustworthy AI that are new, strategic and of paramount importance to successful AI development, deployment, and acceptance in Europe and will further advance the research within verticals of healthcare, energy, manufacturing and space by attracting the best talents, technologies and resources from world-class research and industry players in Europe and by carrying out top-level research activities in synchronisation with industry challenges to reinforce a competitive EU position in AI and create significant socio-economic impact for the benefit of European citizens and businesses.

76 researchers will be selected following Third-party Exchange Scheme (TES) through the Open Calls. TES is designed to attract the top-level researchers to conduct foundational research activities related to specific scientific and technological challenges raised by the relevant pillar or vertical, to disseminate the most advanced knowledge and contribute to the ENFIELD network creation and expansion to European AI labs and countries that are not presented in the consortium.


  • Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu (Norvegia)
  • Inesc Tec – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciencia  (Portogallo)
  • Institut Mines-Telecom (Francia)
  • Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola AB (Svezia)
  • Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucuresti (Romania)
  • Budapesti Muszaki Es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem (Ungheria)
  • Know-Center Gmbh Research Center for Data-Driven Business & Big Data Analytics (Austria)
  • Teknologisk Institut  (Danimarca)
  • Norsk Regnesentral  (Norvegia)
  • Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi)
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems “ICCS” (Grecia)
  • Inova+ - Innovation Services, SA (Portogallo)
  • Maggioli S.p.A (Italia)
  • The University of Nottingham (Regno Unito)


  • Technische Universitaet Chemnitz  (Germania)
  • Tallinna Tehnikaülikool  (Estonia)
  • Iskraemeco, Merjenje in Upravljanjeenergije, D.D.  (Slovenia)
  • Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica SPA (Italia)
  • Lusiadas ACE (Portogallo)
  • Cnet Centre for New Energy Technologies SA (Portogallo)
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spagna)
  • Politecnico di Milano (Italia)
  • Predict SAS (Francia)
  • Telenor ASA (Norvegia)
  • Fondation Europeenne de la Science (Francia)
  • Sintef AS (Norvegia)
  • Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt Oy (Finlandia)
  • Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (Cipro)
  • Boeing Aerospace Spain (Spagna)
  • Aratos Systems BV (Paesi Bassi)


Human-centered Trustworthiness Optimisation in Hybrid Decision Support
Artificial Intelligence


Call: HORIZON-CL4-2022-HUMAN-02
Topic: AI for human empowerment (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership)
Type:  RIA
Reference: Grant Agreement n. 101121042
Duration:  36 mesi
Budget: € 7.994.610,00
Funding: € 720.000,00
Role: Project Coordinator; Technology Provider
Website: https://www.themis-trust.eu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/themis-5-0/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/THEMIS_50

Details and Information

THEMIS 5.0 project

THEMIS 5.0 draws researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines in order to secure that AI-driven hybrid decision support is trustworthy and takes place in accordance with the particular human user needs and moral values as well as adhere with the key success indicators of the embedding socio-technical environment. It implements an AI-driven, human-centered Trustworthiness Optimisation Ecosystem that users can use to achieve fairness, transparency, and accountability. In THEMIS 5.0, the trustworthiness vulnerabilities of the AI-systems are determined using an AI-driven risk assessment approach, which, effectively, translates the directions given in the Trustworthy AI Act and relevant standards into technical implementations. THEMIS 5.0 will innovate in its consideration of the human perspective as well as the wider socio-technical systems’ perspective in the risk management-based trustworthiness evaluation. An innovative AI-driven conversational agent will productively engage humans in intelligent dialogues capable of driving the execution of continuous trustworthiness improvement cycles.

THEMIS 5.0 adopts the European human-centric approach to the design, development, deployment and operation of the THEMIS 5.0 ecosystem and, in this respect, THEMIS 5.0 will base the implementation of its AI-driven ecosystem on strong co-creation processes. THEMIS 5.0 will pilot and evaluate the human-centric ecosystem using 3 well-defined use cases, each addressing a specific high priority and critical application and industrial sectors. The THEMIS 5.0 solution enhances and accelerates the shift towards more trusted AI-enabled services by unlocking the power of humans to evaluate the trustworthiness of AI solutions and provide feedback on how to improve the AI systems. Users can now better challenge AI systems, pinpoint any biases or problems, embed their own values and norms, and provide feedback to AI developers and providers for improvement.


  • Maggioli S.p.A. (Italia)
  • IBM Israel – Science and Technology LTD (Israele)
  • University Of Southampton (Regno Unito)
  • Sintef AS (Norvegia)
  • Athens Technology Center Anonymi Viomichaniki Emporiki Kai Techniki Etaireia Efarmogon Ypsilis Technologias (Grecia)
  • Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica SPA (Italia)
  • Institute Of Communication And Computer System (Grecia)
  • Information Catalyst SL (Spagna)
  • 21C Consultancy Limited (Regno Unito)
  • Trustilio BV (Paesi Bassi)
  • Fonden Teknologiradet (Danimarca)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgio)
  • Institouto Filosofias Kai Technologias Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (Grecia)
  • Fundacion de la Comunidad Valenciana para la Investigación, Promoción y Estudios Comerciales de Valenciaport (Spagna)
  • Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency S.A (Grecia)
  • Meditcinsky Universitet-Plovdiv (Bulgaria)